$100 BMX Flair Challenge – COPS

$100 BMX Flair Challenge – COPS

If Spencer can find a way to land a flair in this random parking lot – the $100 is his! They get into a little altercation with a police officer and the challenge has to be taken to a new spot. Will he land the flair?
Shirts and Stickers – http://LZBMX.com

Spencer’s Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQsNNWoGmf0tN2mi04c7hnA






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45 thoughts on “$100 BMX Flair Challenge – COPS

  1. Every time spencer went to do a flare “awe that was it”

  2. Honestly it’s my favourite thing to see Spencer’s persistence

  3. Nnnnnnnnnnnniuuuuuuuuuuuubbuububnbbbuubbuuuububbbubbbbbbbbubbubbbububbnbnbbubnbbbbbububnnnubnbbbunbbnbnbbnnbbbbubbjbubbbbnbbbbbunbbbbbb bbbbbb bbbuuuuuubuu. Uub Bujumbura Buu Uub Uub Ju uubuuuuuuuuuuuu. B uuuu Uub Uub buuuuuuuuuuuubuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuu bbuuuuuubuuu uuuu uuuuuuuuubbbbbbbubmmmmmmm. Uubuumm mmmmmmm mmmmm. Ju mm. B. N. N

  4. If going to jail for removing a dead bush is a real thing, then I don’t know what life has become

  5. I CANNOT STAND when cops think they’re sooooooo freaking high and mighty just because they have a badge.

  6. "how would you feel if a 17 year old came to your house and removed your dead bush?"… um i'm pretty sure i'd thank him for doing some of my yard work for me and then kindly inform him that it was my property and i don't appreciate people trespassing at which point any smart person would kindly inform me that i had posted no sign that said not to trespass, and we would both go our separate ways as neither of us would have any real reason to be angry

  7. Man I don’t give a s*** to cops. Undeveloped mind my a**. My applause to the guy mouthin the cop.

  8. Cops are dicks I’m sorry but it’s true 😐

  9. young mate needs to just take it from the cop so they dont get in shit, just let the cops say what they want to say to you, agree with the cops and be on your way and you wont get in shit, no need to escalate shit

  10. Guys seriously if you have an interaction like that with the cop and he's being agressive, you have every right to ask "am i being arrested?" And if they say no, you have every right to just leave.

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