What Happened to the LEMONS BMW?

What Happened to the LEMONS BMW?

We bought a $500 lemons e46 BMW, fixed the major problems like the mass airflow sensor and power steering pump, and then gutted the car for weight reduction and so a roll cage could be fabricated and welded in… But then the project went silent… What happened to the car? What happened at the race? Well the Lemon BMW is back and you are about to find out!

Picking our Endurance Race Car: https://youtu.be/_U5XcrifRjQ
How to Replace Power Steering Pump: https://youtu.be/04iDF3I6dTo
Complete Weight Reduction Episode: https://youtu.be/MCiNGmwopx4
Race Day: Coming next week!

Fire Suppression System: https://bit.ly/FireSuppressSystem
USA Made Tow Strap: https://raceseng.com/products/tow-straps
0-60 GPS Timer: https://amzn.to/3KYMVTk
Cool Shirt System: https://ebay.us/Un23JQ

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.


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20 thoughts on “What Happened to the LEMONS BMW?

  1. Sorry for the lack of videos, this winter weather has been rough and filming outside has not been possible since Christmas. Hopefully you guys like the "restart" of this series and I am hoping to get the next video out next week! And then we have the quick release steering wheel video, fire suppression system install video., and battery disconnect video! As always, thanks for all the support!!! I cannot wait until it warms up just a bit! Lots of videos to make this year!

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