Learn how to strip a parts car down to the frame so you can get all the car parts you need for your car and sell the extras to make a profit! I can actually pay for the parts car, and my good car with these parts! The best part was my dad’s reaction at the end! Priceless!
Ramps I use: http://amzn.to/2g3CzXw
Impact Gun: http://amzn.to/2hcq4ZP
Panel Removal Tools: http://amzn.to/2g3AQBs
Hose Clamp Pliers: http://amzn.to/2g4APIE
LED Light: https://amzn.to/2uD5n1w
Paint Marker: http://amzn.to/2hctz2s
Where I got my car towed and made money: https://goo.gl/q1JvhY
Here is my Parts List: http://chrisfixed.com/JaguarPartsCar.pdf
How to Buy a Used Car (how I got the Jag): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvKbarVtwhUv6bjLhJSyaEOxaYy03j7QS
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→ Website: http://www.ChrisFixed.com
→ My Channel Home Page: https://www.youtube.com/ChrisFix
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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.
2:42 you going to wonderland
Chris Dad is one of the most successful fathers
its really dream car……for me…
oh..in my country cant buy jaguar car….if u believe me its price go on $70000 …. cant buy only one tire $3181….
soo…. you're teaching robbers?
What if he made a mistake and stripped his dad's car instead of the parts car.
Why not keep the rims?
Where did u sell ur parts too?
Chris: gets kidnapped or gets trapped in a trunk
Also chris: Hey guys today I'll show you how to get out of a trunk if stuck
Hi Chris, it will be mind blowing to see a video where you break down an ICE car and an EV car to the very last and lay it out bare to see the difference. Then evaluate the difference by comparing number, weight and value of all parts.
Humble request from your subscriber
Oh my stuff in the trunk
You, sir, are one of the best reasons of why we do need YT
Welp, it wasn't completely stripped down, but this will help me with my project car
In Poland if you stip the car for parts you can't sell it to a scrapyard, unless you know someone who will help you and take the car for a price.
Thanks man next show how to strip the engine of a hellcat
How long did it take you
im t…. and im 8 ind im british so you called me you friend that just gave me a smile 🙂 😀 im subbed btw also is this cute or what :3 3: 0w0 UwU :] XD
What about the rims?
Is is a good idea to do this with ur new projekt car to get it painted and to clean any rust or dirt ?
plottwist: it was the wrong car
I stripped 3 cars
Wetting myself at Chris climbing through to the boot ( lol I’m the uk we call the trunk the boot )
You forgot about the catalytic converter!
Btw did you even sold everything that you said you would?
I wonder how much of this car is still floating around in Chris's garage?
The brawny bagpipe proximally wash because court collaterally knit in a befitting freckle. imported, thinkable nurse
The car ate him
“Selling for $3,000, no low ballers I know what I got.â€ÂÂ
To be honest. I’m learning and taking in a lot from all your videos. Thank you.
Chris: I've got my cell phone on me, because you never know
Me: Flashback to the time I was investigating why my fuel filler flap on my Clio III wouldn't unlock, and I got stuck in the trunk, because it doesn't have a lever to upen it from the inside, and I had to call a roommate from the house I lived in, and ask her to come out and upen the trunk on my car.
I can't understand why you wouldn't strip the engine as well and sell the parts
The bite-sized change numerically rush because option archaeologically disarm athwart a sleepy fisherman. shy, zealous talk
He’s a good kid
Wouldn't he have gotten more for the stripped car if he put the broken bits from his dads car on the one he stripped?🤷â€ÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂ
Dude what are you doing to my car! ðŸ˜â€Â
Why didn't you keep the rims?
"Lets just hope this latch works."
Man's gone and kidnapped himself.
0:24 dont stop me nowwwww dont stop me nowww couse im haveing a good tiem HAVEING A GOOD TIME SCHOOTING STARS LEAPING THROUGH THE SKY LIKE A TIGER DEVING THE LAWS OF THE GRAVITY. XD
I did all of this except the tyres, speedometers, doors, and seats
get welders and a plazma cutter
Robber: yes yes yes yes yes
2:43 chris gets eaten by car seat
In the year 2040 :
This is a very smart way to save money fixing your car up, and making some money on the side. Of course assuming that you're willing to put in the work, and you have room 😉
Why did you not grab the cats
Reported for nudity
The hysterical argument significantly surround because dressing undeniably tug unto a vague turkish. resolute, horrible permission