How to Flush a Heater Core Safely (with a garden hose)

How to Flush a Heater Core Safely (with a garden hose)

Is your heat not working or is your heater not hot? You may have a clogged heater core so do a heater core flush and unclog it. Learn how to flush your heater core and get it working to full capacity again instead of spending hundreds on a replacement!

Here is the cheap flush kit I showed:
Here is the Thermometer I used:
Hose adapter:

How to find why you have No Heat:
How to Test your Coolant to See if it is Bad:
How to Flush Your Coolant:–5ft5YiHg
How to Replace a Blower Motor Resistor:
How to Replace a Blower Motor:

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.


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22 thoughts on “How to Flush a Heater Core Safely (with a garden hose)

  1. Just reversed flushed a 2000 Dodge Dakota heater core, then did a Zerex radiator super flush . Worked like a charm – went from no heat to fabulous. The antifreeze was the color of mud virtually certainly no one had changed antifreeze in 22 years. I'm on rinse number 5 ( three before the radiator flush, and two after) filling the radiator with water, getting up to operating temperature and then draining the system. Two or three more and it'll be ready for the new coolant. Thank you!

  2. Говорят что не на долго. Все равно каналы внутри радиатора скоро забьются частичками, даже если промыл всю систему охлаждения

  3. On a different topic maybe you can help.. I have a 2007 F150,,when I turn on the heat or just a cooler temp in the truck, I get a weird smell , somebody explained it like a burnt band aid smell. It goes away maybe 10 mins into the drive. Do the vents need to be sprayed out with Lysol or something? Only videos I find on here is the smell when you turn on the A/C,,my A/C doesn't work so I never turn it on.

  4. Hey Chris quick question… don’t know if you still reply to this video, but is this method the same as flushing the Anti-freeze through the bottom ?

  5. I put coconut oil in my engine, i use margaritas liquer as coolant, bud light as brake fl.(as brakes was invented for puss..), Finlandian drink for power steering, some watermellon punch and coke to unscrew my wheel bolts 🙂 And I also used to flush diesel tank with a water hose once a week, till neighbours once told I'm using too much water 🙂 So I sold the car, and bought electric scooter.

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