How to Change Windshield Wipers

How to Change Windshield Wipers

This video shows how to change windshield wipers. While it may seem simple, it is a good reference so when you change yours it is an easy process (especially if it is raining outside). The sample vehicle is a 2002 Pt Cruiser but the same method will work for any car that has a U shaped wiper blade arm. Most Dodge, Chrysler, Chevy, Ford, Honda, Toyota, and Nissan cars will have a similar if not the same procedure.

Here is where I get cheap wiper blades:

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33 thoughts on “How to Change Windshield Wipers

  1. Hi Chris…I have Hyundai Tucson, but rear wiper won't work…I found the part in Amazon,
    can I do replace Rear Wiper Motor and Linkage Assembly by myself? It looks not to hard. Any advice?

  2. You struggling 8 years ago but right now u r legend 😍

  3. 👍👍👍

  4. WOA you’ve changed!!

  5. Look How Chill He Is 🤣

  6. man.. you've passed through a big risk: the wiper arm could slam on windshield and crack it!! for a peace of mind I would place a rag to protect it.

  7. Hey Chris! Subscriber here, I've always enjoyed watching your videos. I'm in the middle of a dilemma with my wipers, currently, they're jumping, skipping, chattering. I always have bad luck with them (any brand, any quality). Do you think it has something to do with my wiper arm? It's a 2014 Mazda 6. I live where it snows, I use de-icer, and the car wash I go to uses wax all over the car. Do you think it's one of these elements? I don't know what to do besides buy new wipers every couple months.

  8. I dont mean to be like this but i saw a local auto parts employee: He went out to replace a the wipers (I'm not wanting to be like this) of a young Caucasian girl's car, and it took more than 10 minutes out there while few of us were waiting to purchase things and the other employee was still busy. !!!!!!Next person in line, was a Newly immigrated African-American with "3 little ones," who also bought wipers, BUT he just stayed to check out the next customer.

  9. Hey Chris! I need help with my 2009 Dodge Grand Caravans rear windshield wiper, the super blade broke and I got an entire new arm for it but the wiper hits only a little bit of the windshield and doesn't hit the whole windshield like it should, how to I make it so the entire wiper arm is used an nothing gets skipped so I can actually see out my rear windshield???

  10. It's worth noting that if you start getting streaking or whatever and think you need new blades, get some denatured alcohol (from Lowe's or wherever), and use it to wipe the rubber blade with paper towels until the paper towels stops getting black with dirt, and you're good as new. They'll last YEARS. Don't use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, it's not the same thing. Denatured is ethanol. Vodka or 151 would be a more expensive alternative if you don't have any denatured around.

  11. Thanks for making it simple and not starting on when you were born, your first date, first car, and yata yata. Wherein, a lot of videos go through all this crap I could care less about. I want to just know how to change wipers without listening them going through their life cycle of the posters life lol.

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