It took a minute to get to the root of this problem. Mainly because of me, but I’d argue that I eventually found the issue and fixed it. I’ll do better next time. For now, here is some useful information on how to find and fix a wiring problem in your Honda Element.
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Many years ago I made this exact same fix in the exact same spot on both front doors of a '63 Cadillac Fleetwood of my friends dads, neither the power seat controls or windows were working in either front door – in my case every single wire in both harnesses was broken. It felt like the wires had work-hardened inside the rubber boot until they all broke. I was pretty young back then maybe 16 or so and didnt have much to work with in wire length or tools so I had an idea – instead of just stripping and crimping the old wires back together leaving the work hardened wires inside the flex boots to break again, I lengthened (all) the wires almost a foot with new wire, crimp connected them back on with shrink tubing on each crimped connection and shoved the old hardened ends of the wires back into the kick panel and into the door, leaving just the new wires in the boots where all the flexing would take place. Took quite awhile as I also had had to remove the door panel and the inside kick panel, but when I got done the windows and seat controls worked in both doors as did the lights at the bottom of the door interior I dont remember if the mirrors and door locks back then were electric but I dont think so, the outside mirror was just a manual lever and the door locks as I recall were vacuum. Anyway everything worked and I was pretty proud of my 16 year old self for makiing my first major wire repair and succeeding LOL Essentially the same thing Eric did here and for the same reasons
congratulations! you removed one failure point and added 2. I would have replaced the whole wire. keep in mind also, the type of wire. Some low strand count wire is not as flexible.
Good find. Wire is the 80% bet – components 20%. Mechanics go to the part – electricians go to the test point.
I had to do this repair on my Chrysler 300. I only had a roll of white wire so hopefully no one has to fix it again.
You can do what you did, but with solder, much better electrical connections….
I keep John Deere combine separator wiring harness pieces for this job. The techs call it spaghetti wire because it's soft like cooked spaghetti. It's crazy flexible and designed to move back and forth two inches for over a thousand hours. That's about 50,000,000 door cycle equivalents. Just cut out the flex section and reuse the rest of the wire harness. The stuff is far too expensive for any car manufacturer to use. It's not even copper, it's some super alloy that doesn't corrode.
Crimp Connectors …… that was a mistake.
Congrats! Any idea why those wires broke? Have you ever seen wires in that location crack before? My first guess would be extreme cold made them brittle.
Always good info. Hey you should do a "Honda Hacks" video. show us some of the good/bad DIY "tricks" that you've seen in Hondas over the years
Great video, a lot of things I know about cars is thanks tu you sir 🫡, i use to fallow you on almost all the videos, back when u had the shop, sadly you couldn't get another shop , whish you all the best sir 🫡
This has happened on two different hatchbacks I have. I did the same thing you did except I used noodle wires that we use in the RC Hobby industry because that wire is made for constant flexing like opening doors or hatches.
Have had to do a couple of those window regulators in a friend's Honda Element(drivers and passenger sides), actually pretty easy to do. Thanks for a good tutorial for those who may not know ins & outs of this repair!
hmm, I have a similar issue where my driver door speaker keeps going intermittently out. Kept happening after replacing the speaker as well.
I suspect its a bad connection somewhere between it and the head unit, probably in that joint area.
Now you just need to stand up in the back of the truck on camera at the end and say "If you never want to miss another on of my car repair videos, Ring that Bell!"
Common problem
My 05 Odyssey passenger window not working…I think im going to this troubleshoot.
I had to dov exactly the same thing on 2004 Jeep GC
Nice, thanks.
I have a 2003 E and had to do this same fix about 5 years ago. Thanks for making the video Eric!
See, I'm gonna show my fiance this video, because she gets mad at me for hoarding wires from broken electronics 😂
This would have saved me days of trying to find same problem about 6 months ago 😂
How do we really know that is you Eric? Only guy we saw was some dude in a hoody. It’s possible you got hacked! Great video though whoever did it😂
Any troubleshooting tips for the auto up/down function not working anymore? After a wild failure with the driver's side window regulator I no longer have auto up/down even though I've programmed it so many times now. New window switch? Best source for a replacement?
Love you Eric I’m 24 been watching since I was like 13 you’re a great YouTuber never stop!
Good catch and an excellent quality repair I had a similar repair in my 07 Saturn Ion just turned over 250,000 miles I love honda engines. Thanks Eric 😊
Rookie mistake ETCG
Honda Element ia definitely worth repairing and keeping. Great video.
Your channel is an example of what quality content on YouTube should be. Thank you for your hard work and effort!😆🚎🔴
Each of your videos is a little success story. Thank you for your contribution to the YouTube community!🤗🧉🤚
Your videos are always original and of high quality. Thank you for your ability to inspire and surprise!🌿😙🤔
Your videos are a cocktail of skill, talent and passion. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!🤔💙🛩