How do you check how old tires are and how old can tires be before they go bad? Do tires expire? In this #shorts video I cover how to tell how old tires are. You never want to buy new tires older than 18 months and you want to start thinking about replacing your tires if they are 6yrs old and at 10yrs or more definitely replace them!
When I got my first set of new tires for my first car I was so excited. On the drive home I spun out on a turn and almost wrecked my car. I didnt take the turn fast or anything and I was so confused at what happend. After doing research I found my “new tires” were actually 7 years old and the rubber had become brittle and less grippy. Tire-easy would not let me exchange the tires because they were mounted so I learned an expensive and almost deadly lesson. Always check the tire age before buying tires!
Had to replace my 3 year old tyres because of cracking 😟
quick tip thank you
Great advice Chris. ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
If only people actually listen to this.
I personally work at a tire shop and i get so many people who do not care that their tires are old. Smh
So tires older than 18 months are considered unsafe?
At Walmart we wouldn't sell any tires more than 1-2 years old, typically they were just a few months. In terms of installation and work we could go up to the 10 year mark but we tried to heavily dissuade customers from using them. Then obviously lots of rules of tread depth, tire wear, etc. Long story short, if you go to privately owned, local shops, probably a safe idea to ask to see the tire if not providing your own but buying new from major, well known retailers you're probably safe.
🤣you always upload at the perfect time tomorrow i was gonna go get a set for my truck ill be sure to check the code out thanks ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
Me watching this video after literally buying new tires on Thursday 😂😂
Me still drifting on tires that are more then 20 years old, the grip is extremely low, but they still hold air.
This is very good information to know! the current tires on my vehicle are different, with three of them being from 2015 and one being from 2013. I think it’s time for new tires!!!
I had no idea. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for telling i didnt know this
I brought a Car 6 months ago and the tyres were from 1993! They looked fine, they had no cracks, BUT the Code was 263 (Code until 2000 was just three numbers) And the Tyre manufacturer was bankrupt since 1993 too… so yeah that's a story, that I'll never forget 😂
Thanks Chris. Well explained and good to know.
I could hug this video forever, Chris. You make productive videos that actually mean something. 'Preciate y'all!
How do you know they were not made in the 8th week of 1920?
i bought my first ever car, a honda civic, a couple months ago. Subscribing to this channel has literally taught me a lot of things i wanted to know. Thank you chrisfix
Always happy when I watch your vids.ðŸ‘ÅÂÂÂ
Thanks for the tip, i actually didn’t know that. I’ll keep that in mind when buying tires so i don’t buy old tires/make sure tires on my car aren’t super old.
What brand are those rims?
Is this a global standard? I will check my tyres soo
I work with tyres. And this is somewhat wrong. The age of the tyre is only relevant when the tyres are used. Ofc if u buy new tyres and they are older than 5 years u should be warned by the person selling them to u since its not legal to sell without a warning. If the tyres are stored the correct way at ur local dealer its no problem buying tyres older than 18 months. There is alot of research out there.
Thanks for the info… I never actually knew where to find how old the tyres were and that businesses actually sell old tyres (which is extremely shady)
Next time I change my tyres… I'll check the date!
in Germany you learn that in the driving school and the examiner asks what that means.
Wow! Thanks for the quick tip ChrisFix
I just learned this is my auto teach class
Thanks again Chris fix!
6 years a highly recommended replacement and 10 they are none serviceable. (I work at discount tire)
bro my tires are from 2008 and my spare tire is from 2004😂😂😂😂😂
I think my summer tires are from 2003 lol they still got 2 more seasons left. I’m only going to use them for one more summer and then burn them to the cords haha unless I decide to go on a road trip then new tires are definitely going to be purchased.
Just before that code also shows the mfg plant, I worked at such a plant and learning how to read a tire was one of the first things I had to learn. Been years since then though.
Chris is a national asset. The man deserves to be protected at all costs. Awesome dude!
i just checked and my tires were made in 2009, yikes
Now I’m gonna check the age of the tires on the original wheels from my car, see if they’d be useful while I determine a good tire for my current wheels. They’ve been off the car, under a porch for around 4 years year round in central nc, if someone knows that this would be a terrible idea regardless of the age then please any advice is welcomed!