ABANDONED 1929 Model A FORD! Will It RUN AND DRIVE In A Christmas Parade After 22 YEARS?

ABANDONED 1929 Model A FORD! Will It RUN AND DRIVE In A Christmas Parade After 22 YEARS?

A guy found a 1929 Ford Model A Sport Coupe in a pole barn in Oklahoma. It’s been sitting for what we believe to be 22 years. I’m going to get this abandoned ford out of the barn, and pull it to a friend shop. There, I will see if it will run, drive and stop. I’ll also wash it and do a paint restoration on it using various products like shine juice.

BIG THANKS to Paul Shinn youtube, David, Brian and team – and everyone involved in the toy drive and parade. You’re amazing!


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email: vicegripgarage@gmail.com

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Lewisburg, TN
#VGG #roadworthyrescues #ford #modela


32 thoughts on “ABANDONED 1929 Model A FORD! Will It RUN AND DRIVE In A Christmas Parade After 22 YEARS?

  1. Hi Derek !! That was one sweet old model A ! I have had several old Fords over the years , come to the conclusion that they would run on a sinners prayers and bailing wire. Just flat tough , simple , reliable and always thought they had style. Quite the gesture on your part , leaving her there , but that's Derek. Car guys be car guys….what can I say. A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family….God Bless you !

  2. If go to do a save on the porsche, I've got one, you definitely can't drive that wearing your boots, pedals are a little close. I actually bought "driving shoes" lol.I only wear size 10,pretty sure I heard you say a time or two you had big feet.I've had a blast with mine, it's a fun little car,more curves the better!

  3. 1:56:34 I don't love December. Could be that it's my birthday month and every birthday as a kid really sucked or maybe it's because as an industrial maintenance mechanic I am usually working during the entirety of the month but I do like the sentiment of being a good fellete year round 😊

  4. My grandfather who has dementia has an old Shriners jeepster that has been in an old building for at least 30 years not running. I’d love to be able to ge the thing at the very least moving under its own power but it’s hard to get any of the family motivated. Same with an old 66 Buick sports wagon sitting right next to it.

  5. LOVE the vids and the channel… I've been around for a year or so. I DO have to question the 'shine juice' stuff .. what's in it, what does it do to the surfaces… yes, it looks nice for a bit… but what is it really doing to the finishes and surfaces… can you do a short explanation vid?

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