Will This Be Our First 1000Hp Build?! Going FULL SEND On The MR2!

Will This Be Our First 1000Hp Build?! Going FULL SEND On The MR2!

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Pfispeed https://pfispeed.com/
Huxracing https://www.huxracing.com/
Street2track http://www.street2track.net/

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32 thoughts on “Will This Be Our First 1000Hp Build?! Going FULL SEND On The MR2!

  1. Haguys i injoy seeilg your videos im 60 years old and i think you guys are some of the gratist kids your parents must be proud of each and every one of you i hope to see more videos of your mr2 making history you need to entertane wheelebars for it and rear adjustable arms like 4 link so you can adjust the bight and lift on lonch also a funnycar cage and no plastic seets .
    Ive bin rased in racing and my dad and i have bult both circle track cars and drag raciing cars im now getting things togather for a s 10 i wont to build im going with a ls 1 to start with with twin 78s hopfulie im on a limited budgit im disabled from a car exadent that injurd my back so im limited to only a couple of hrs a day to work i have to laydown and get it to relax or it gets inflamed and extremly painfull so any advice or used parts that you think will work on my project let me know.
    Also i have a sunprow wet valve grinder and seat cuttre if you know any one that needs it im in floridia i see you guys come down for cletus and cars im a couple hrs south of him in wpb.
    Let me know .
    At keithclark801@gmail.com

    Ps one of thees days id like to come see your shop maby when its time to dino the s 10. So keep up the good work you make me proud to talk about you and always remember the kids that look up to you stay clean and out of trouble.

  2. That dark green car in the background jus looks like it’s gonna be so fast when finished😍

  3. Can you boost my Subaru outback without blowing it up 🤣

  4. 26 min vid minus 6 mins of actual car talk = 20 mins of blahh blahhh and goofing around that would have been a better title

  5. Best dyno pulls I've ever seen 😂

  6. Semi frozen tomatoes or maybe oranges. Give them a few hours in the freezer. Then let them defrost for an hour or two. Squishy outside, solid core. 👌

  7. Suggestion next time you do it drive the car forward an inch or two to change the angle higher 😂😂😂😂👌

  8. golf ball you guys need to do😂

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