We Discover Some STRANGE Aussie Cars

We Discover Some STRANGE Aussie Cars

Australia is absolutely one of our favorite places to go, and this video is a very great representation as to why we love it so much! Cootamundra was a blast this year, and shortly after that we toured some shops and Arthur at Tuners Edge was kind enough to let us have a meet and greet meet at his shop! We overflowed his lot almost instantly and had to move to a new spot! A ton of crazy cars and awesome people showed up in Melbourne. Thank you to everyone who showed up at the meet, and thank you everyone for watching!
Check out more videos from this event:

Watch more of our recent & related videos!:
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuhK7BTaqOA&t=462s
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roh9oLMuGKE
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHEEMZiOxzU
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28 thoughts on “We Discover Some STRANGE Aussie Cars

  1. Paulie left Fat Pizza and opened a top-flight auto-shop? 👍

  2. Who’s the guy at 5:18? He looks so familiar!

  3. Title, We discover some STRANGE Auzzie cars

    5:15 "Holy Crap, a '65 Mustang!" 5:51 "Can't you hear that sound? an R34 Skyline!" 7:47 (ignoring the BA XR6 Turbo and the BA XR8) "Holy crap, a C7 Corvette!" 8:16 "I think these are VR4 Galants" 9:29 "My 4th midnight purple R33" 12:34 "Another one" – DJ Khaled. 16:35 "A badass car that's gunna do an epic skid, a Toyota Starlet"

    The only ACTUAL Australian cars that were properly covered was the LC Torana 3:46 and the VL Calais Turbo 15:53. Talk about clickbait…

  4. Fkn brilliant – what a laugh – I miss Melbs 🤣😂👍👍

  5. What the hell, went to this shop like last year and I didn’t even know they have a YouTube channel lmaoo 👌

  6. Pretty sure These guys used to own GTECH and would test their waste gates up Gaffney Steet at 1am, which is awesome if you don't have to get up at 5 for your shift diagnosing their Gandmother's cancer the next day. WE HAVE OUR OWN BUNNINGS NOW HAHAHA!

  7. There’s skylines everywhere

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