Transferring ALL the M5 Wiring Into The 240Z

Transferring ALL the M5 Wiring Into The 240Z

In today’s episode we’re rippin out all the wiring from the M5 and bringing it over to the 240z. How much is too much? Maybe when the wires weigh more than the body?


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44 thoughts on “Transferring ALL the M5 Wiring Into The 240Z

  1. only Chris in the world says I do not partake when talking about weed😂😂😂

  2. There is a liquid electrical product that you can get from Home Depot or lowes that you could dip each wire end into the liquid tape and let it dry. Then, after it drys, you can tape the bundle together. Each wire will be separated by the liquid tape and sealed with the tape over the outside.

  3. Man you are a genius. How do you learn how to assembly and reverse engineer to make every thing to look and to feel so right and so easy? This is awesome. Guys at Tesla should hire you as the chief of their engineer department. have you ever thought about in become part of a national television program where every week you would have an episode being showing on tv? have you ever thought about in partnering with Canon or Nikon or Sony to provide you all the camera gears you need for your youtube videos? I love your channel man. You are very smart.

  4. Such a negative attitude in this video Chris, please try to stay positive! First you call your community toxic, then you say you never want to make wiring content again. We love watching you do everything to make cars, and if the wiring needs done, the wiring needs done! Include it all.

  5. Seriously doing a great job. There are always keyboard warriors talking shit.

    Don’t pay attention to them bud

  6. As far as I have done I like to heatcrimp one end of a peice of heatshrink that will cover them all. Fill with a small amount of silicone , slip on to the wire bundle, heat shrink, and allow to cure

  7. Says I’m going to throw this away..
    Gets high as fuck smoking weed and watching streamers

  8. The price of using a hightech- german- donor car. Hope some of the stuff can be cut back once in the 240. But I guess everything electronic will need everything else to work properly 🙁

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