They Closed Down a PUBLIC Road! (Legally!)

They Closed Down a PUBLIC Road! (Legally!)

They Closed Down a PUBLIC Road and they did it LEGALLY! Coffeyville Street Drags in Coffeyville, KS is where some of the top dog street machines come to legally throw down on the street! Pairing up and running down a public road complete with transitions between concrete to asphalt and back offer drivers one of the ULTIMATE test of their street skills. Coffeyville Street Drags have been turning illegal street racing into a legal tax revenue bump for their city for years by being the only insured, organized, and promoted street racing event in the area! Due to its unprepped nature, the road provides unpredictable traction and outcomes during every pass!


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46 thoughts on “They Closed Down a PUBLIC Road! (Legally!)

  1. I watched videos from this and other channels, and it seems, that Hoosier tires are the favourite tyre compound for american street racers in modern times. I´m just saying.

  2. That Nova said fuck this transition! I’m going A-B… right

  3. Beater bomb is the bomb 😊👍

  4. This is why I stopped racing on unprepped roads. Every single person who came to run should of seen how each car was being affected and said, no thanks. Yeah it’s a lifestyle and usually is no excuse way of handling business but you can’t have a lifestyle if your not alive. These weren’t bad but that nova could it rolled it. Yeah real tracks have their accidents but not cause of bad surface and transitions. 400hp evos might be okay here but not the big boys. Glad no ones hurt except some bank accounts but maybe not use a road like this or kill the fucking thing flat. Or maybe I’m soft in my age Now unlike my teen to early 30s

  5. Why doesn’t my town do this :/ closest strip is 1+ away so if they did this we wouldn’t be running down the highway 🤣

  6. The setup on that white truck is badass 🤤

  7. This was a shit spot to pick for running I dont care if everyone has to drive over the bump if yoyr forced to either take the first 60 foot lightly or pedal do to an obstruction it's a shitty race in my opinion. Most cars are gonna always kick out the ads to the left do to the weight of the driver so left lane gives you more of a chance to take the pump with more time to recover before the wall. Shit race in my opinion

  8. It's an easy job to mill off 35mm of the road surface and overlay with another 35mm of asphalt after the races. That strip of road can look brand new for a couple thousand dollars, well within a major city budget.

  9. So what’s happens when they crash like that insurance ?

  10. the cars unload right after the start every single time when it goes over that split in the ashphalt 60-80 feet out.
    you hear it rev as the wheels unload.look at were the mustang crashed and you will see the problem,this is
    sketchy as fuck. look carefully at 3:223:23 on third gen too,every fucking crash is due to this shitty site.

  11. What generally happens with incidents like the white Mustang was in? It's an organised street race and you get wiped out due to no fault of your own. What's your comeback if at all there is any? Does every driver sign a waiver that states something like 'You're on your own if there is ANY damage/injury that happens to you or your car whether it's your fault or not. Just curious.

  12. I see the cop at the end of the street waiting to shoot any speedster who gets injured, to put them out of their misery in a humane way of course and the other 16 bullets just to make sure! lol

  13. This was back and the pinnacle of Fred’s beard

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