Ever wondered where I first said Let Er Rip Tater Chip? I didn’t come up with it, but i’ve sure put that line to use! Check out Sketchy Vert and a couple of bikes lettin her EAT!
The Origin of “Let Er Rip Tater Chip” + INSANE Burnout From Sketchy Vert & Bikes!

Let er rip tater chip
This old stuff is so bad I love it. Gotta bring back some of the old lingo.
I subbed for dale!!!!
Gotta love sketchy vert
Who is Dale?
Who's Dale
I love how the riders buddy was like "NOPE!"…. Hahahaha!
Also the catchphrase of Richard Rawlings of Fast and Loud…
" Is that Cleetus McFarland "
" Yeah thats Cleetus"
Proceeds to roast the tires at stop light. Thats why we love Cleetus.
Hahahahahahahaha sketchy vert LET HER RIIIIP alright! Gosh darn
LOL 10/30/2019
Well, the saying has been around for years before your time.
hahaha this is awesome. Now I know the origin.
Lmfao you look drunk af brother
Thats my new saying now anytime i let er rip let er rip tater chip boii
Why is there not a "Let er' rip Tater Chip" embroidered key fob? These are the questions that need asked for the sake of Dale.
why did Cleetus stop with the heavy accent?
what is going on with dale????
And now people wonder why I sit down and yell "Let er rip tater chip" when I 💩
who is dale??
Where does do it for dle come from?
Sketchy vert is a badass!
O Cleetus maybe one day you will learn how to be funny?
the Lightning suck
I love the excitement in that rider asking "IS THAT CLEETUS?!?!"
You should make t shirts with that quote on it. I would buy one.
That was the sketckiest rip ive ever seen done in the history chip tater-ing
Sketchy vert is God
go bolts
Cletus you should start vlogging
who is Dale? btw man you're my favorite! I got family out in Tampa (I'm in Texas) so one day we'll go burn some tires and shit.