The Gamblin Merc Gets Some 20’s & Door Bars

The Gamblin Merc Gets Some 20’s & Door Bars

In todays episode were adding in some support bars, test fitting the tail light, and testing out our wheels!

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Fareoh – Cloud Ten


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25 thoughts on “The Gamblin Merc Gets Some 20’s & Door Bars

  1. If you can't find a moulding just get some windscreen primer and windscreen silicone and chuck it full of it. When old bangers got new windscreens in Namibia and there was alot of rust holes around the windscreen and the guys didn't have money for rust repair we just applied the windscreen primer and then the silicone. Cars came back multiple times afterwards (windscreens break alot in Africa) the rust stopped and no water leakages reported.

  2. Why u didn't add the door bars before cutting the roof? I already know that the car didn't collapse but it was a possibility that you can't completely avoid adding the bars first. U have been lucky

  3. For the windshield. Mask everything off completely and use spray on liquid rubber ( the same stuff that is used to spray the grip on tool handles ) over everything. Build up layers of it. Kind of like the opposite of everything you are taught about auto paint ( thick & messy ). Build enough layers up & smooth up the last couple layers and hey presto you now have a custom rubber stopper for your cut roof line.

    The bonus is that it looks like a custom flush rubber cap while simultaneously filling all the internal voids in.

  4. Nevermind welding that roof line. Mask off immensly. Spray expanding foam in the crevasse and the gap. Let it set for a day. Then cut the excess to design, maybe form a deflector/roof spoiler out of the foam. Filler, primer paint.

  5. Caterpillar dealer will have bulk rubber seal for window and doors in stock,, should be wide and beefy enough. I think Peterson Cat is your local dealer Redmond 541-504-0625

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