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In case you weren’t convinced yet that you need to see this DVD, you must watch this intro, thanks to our friend Sav at IMV for the great voiceover work in short order to perfectly compliment the EPIC the content in the Texas Streets Movie!!


30 thoughts on “TEXAS STREETS – BluRay / DVD Intro

  1. This right here is brutality at its finest. I miss the ridiculous street racing from Houston. Even out in sugarland, stafford, etc- so many beast cars. Having a 300whp subie means nothing out there.

  2. lol they are profiting illegal street racing, how funny. marketing it like its the next best movie, thats funny. here you can own our illegal street racing videos on DVD lmao….

  3. Ignore first comment, but the one thing you're missing is a little thing called line of sight, the heli isn't behind you it's ABOVE you, there's nothing in its way to see you.

  4. whatever the fuck that supposed to mean, you yourself could be an idiot billy, but i'm one of the few who has awakened, enlightened, it's incredibly hard to attain my point of view/mindset… i have a great understanding into consciousness and reality that many will never grasp… most are dumb you can't put the way things are into words, that is what makes you an idiot, for words aren't adequate to tell what really is, the tao

  5. man an apache will do 227mph, they don't give those 20 million $ helicopters to the police… see your not even from america, the police here are fucking super strick, and very trigger happey, police kill people everyday around here… we run these streets, check out videos of american freeways the biggest in the world being shut down by bikers, or street racers… the fuck can they do send the army?… america has 5% of the worlds population and over 50% of the guns

  6. Maybe in America it's like that and I can't say something against that, because I don't live there of course. But I can pretty much assure you a helicopters easily do 200 mph, trust me. I would have no reason to talk out of my ass on the matter.

  7. no i am very arrogant toward the police i hate those fucking bastards… and not even a military helicopter will do, 200… none of them… go check out how to outrun a helicopter on a gsxr1000… once again fuck the police they are dumb ass fuck and easy as hell to outsmart and outrun… i bet your not even from this police state we live and die in called america… the people run this shit the police just try and control us, but even they know they have no chance against the american people

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