send me something if you want!
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Vernon Ct 06066
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HelloðŸ¤â€â€ÂÂ.cool videos. I always watch you. really started recently. I am writing to you through a translator. I am from Kazakhstan. good luck to you.
6 speed dude pls
Can't say for sure but the drive shaft looks backwards. Everyone I have ever seen the slip yoke goes on the transmission (transfer case)
Me gustan tus vÃÂÂÂÂdeos pero comprate un estabilizador de cámara y deja de menearla cada vez que grabas porque de verdad esto cansa muchÃÂÂÂÂsimo. No cuesta nada. Espero que mi crÃÂÂÂÂtica te sirva para bien. Saludos
The intro music is back! Game on.
Jose! Do you have alex rebuilds number if so give him a call and find out how he is doing please?
Good work can't wait to see it finished
DIY Gang Fam send us sum snow plows and generators to Mansfield TX we snowed in and outta power at times
10 speed..
10 speed is going to cost too much( as they are way newer) , be too much computer controlled and to complicated.Much cost ton to fix. Stick with a simple 4 speed. Not like your going to gas milagae.Should bolt up easy. Keep it simple. Manual hibs you just go outside the truck and turn / twist them when wanting 4 wheel drive. They almost never go bad. More deoendableand cheaper then electronically controlled units.
We need to get you an air compressor with some pneumatic tools! ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
What happened to the Maclaren?
Look up bronco graveyard they may have it
Do we have a update on your uncles truck?
I literally just typed that and you said it was parked for winter lol!!!
Does anybody else want to make a desk out of the front clip?? That be awsome
I had a 72 bronco in HS a million years ago, it would only go into 4 wheel high with a mild throttle application forward. Would only go into 2 wheel high if you put it in reverse and gave it some gas.
In my opinion get a Manuel I don’t like autos Especially 10 speeds all it does is shift shift shift
Glad the intro back
Jose why don't you just replace that one side & leave the other one there I would not replace the whole rear the passenger side is good & solid that is the way I'd go
your uncles should be able to figure out the 4wd mechanism and guide you through.