Street Racing Almost Busted!

Street Racing Almost Busted! Cops almost bust two street racers right after they do their burnout, he’s confused at first which gives them just enough time, and the spectators to hide. No one gets busted!


48 thoughts on “Street Racing Almost Busted!

  1. what dumbass thinks he can hold a car back to "help" it burnout better i guarantee that it does not help shit. 40lbs of pressure of pushing wont do shit but dent a fender

  2. @AUSSIE249 Well I have never met an Oklahmoma Highway Patrol that has been at least halfway curteous and I have met a lot of them. They are all power hungry and always out to prove something.

  3. The cop was all like "I know, if I keep going back and forth, eventually I ll get to the other side of the fence…….ummm, maybe not, fuck this shit I am goin' to dunkin"

  4. the silver car is a monte carlo ss. if i could get a good look at the taillights and mirrors i could tell you what year it could be. i should know what it is considering i own one

  5. i'm gonna go with, he didn't want to bust anyone really, but he didn't want to just let them do whatever the hell they wanted. sometimes you just break up things before they happen.

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