San Francisco Meet

San Francisco Meet

In this episode were heading down to San Francisco to meet up with a bunch of viewers. Traffic was a bitch but you guys were awesome! It was so cool to be able to meet you all, thanks so much for coming out!

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00:24 – Zaza – Be Together


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35 thoughts on “San Francisco Meet

  1. The gas filler door has a curved "hanger" for the gas cap to sit on/in while you are filling. This allows you to fill without setting the cap on the painted surfaces… just FYI. Not sure if anyone else mentioned that in the comments but its a cool little feature that I like to use.

  2. as a long time viewer, i love your content and the vlogging is a nice change of pace with your builds. I like that your branching out. Keep doing the car stuff and the vlogging too!

  3. Love the channel! Love the variety this vlogging your road trip adds too.. Show more of your girlfriend- she's got a great smile! Some of us can't pay our significant other into going with us to do something like this- she seemed like she was all smiles!

  4. When I was in sanfrancisco I was honestly so surprised by the lack of traffic and surprised that people knew how to merge properly. If you want to see some bad drivers, poorly built roads and consistent traffic come to Victoria BC.

  5. Driven all those roads. Last time I saw Lake Shasta it was probably 75-100 feet lower than it is in this video. Glad to see it's getting a much needed fill up.

  6. @BisforBuild , if you ever make it down to Orlando, FL. let me know man. I can set up a meet with hundreds of cars 😉

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