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Man it freaking fires me up seeing the Freedom Factory one step closer to having its new lighting done! This place is going to look like a modern stadium!!!
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12961 44th St N. Ste B
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Such a disappointment he didn’t slap the pole and say that ain’t going nowhere, Matt has to come down and do it for you now
Great job Alec!
so no concrete around the pole once in??
Pretty sure cleeter doesn’t have time to kill with lords mobile 😂 but has the time to see what he can spend with them ads 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
why not fill the holes with concrete?
Big shoutout to Alec he has been in the background of many videos constantly working at the Freedom Factory and documenting all the progress and inner workings that goes on while Cleetus, Kevin, Jackstand, Dr.Tunem'all etc are on race weeks and whatnot. Real humble guy and is so passionate about the track and the team he deserves some recognition. Keep it up man we see you and amazing work.
What's the bet cleetus doesn't even play phone games at all.
Really fun to watch. Wondering how they removed those steel collars- am guessing they split apart. Freedom!
how about some tires to surround the inner poles and spray them red white blue?
Alec crushed it on the camera work!!!
Tell your bro he did very good filming and telling all that was going on .very good well done ..and cleetus as much as you wish ya could have been there .you can't always be there for everything .and on top of that your getting married bud .when is that taking place ? I wish you the best you and future………. Mrs.mcfarlad .a big step but she is a awesome woman .godbless and stay safe….
Investing the money for a top notch fan experience!! Thanks Cleetus!
I think the auger would have been my choice to use!!!
“Get of the grass!â€ÂÂÂÂ
Signed: Garrett
Some of those crane riggers were about the laziest I have ever seen. I mean even his hand signals to the operator were lazy. I used to fly a lot of iron moving rigs and that crap drives me nuts!
New poles ain’t just safer.. but they look great too! Looks b**chin guys! 👌
The International Space Station will be able to see the Freedom Factory!!!!
Gonna be enough lumens to see the Freedom Factory from space.
Those lighting brackets do not fill me with confidence. I worry about stress cracks developing in short order in the winds the area gets.
12:47 Am I the only one that want's to see a hot lap from that crane? 😜
When you see all those lights you wonder what it would like like if they where colored lights. That would have made for the worlds biggest Disco.
Watch the wind be 146mph and knocks them down. Lmfao
Quite surprised it is only dirt put back into the holes
Love that the guy leveled the pole with a 600mm level 😂😂😂
Looked great until I saw a guy pull out a 900mm level on a tapered post, slap it on both sides and then gave the thumbs up.
PLEASE tell me that did this properly?
Was there at least any Concrete involved?
Ah yeah!
quit playing, you don't have time to play games
Just a thought Cleetus. Over in New Zealand. When tracks are empty they often get used for learner driver training and driver improvement programs. With that massive skid pad you have and the corners you have. Why not run programs of your own. It could help with event funding, and also allow some enthusiasts to connect.
90kW in savings is like $1100 saved per hour of having lights on. That's huge!
Looks amazing. It may be pricey but ultimately its a small investment in the grand scheme of things.
Whips out a 1200 level for plumbing up a 15m post lmao. don't worry I remember using a level for the first time…..can't see it from my house 😂
Shout out to Alec for his hard work!
Day 1 of demanding Cleet put the hood back on Mullet. Kev dropped the whole motor assembly just to fit it!
That’s nice and all but you better not trash that caprice at 13:30. They made millions of panther platform Carson can thrash but GM only imported like 16 thousand Holden caprices
The grass 😵
Do a thing with NASA with a live view from space when you turn on those lights…
I love the freedom. best way for you direct?
guess the crane wasn't overkill after all