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Mahle= The good stuff from Germany 😊
New name sounds stupid af really
Good update. I used a set of Mahle race pistons with valve relief cuts that i had the top coated in a 5.9 cummins years ago. That motor lived happy at hair over 1k whp for years and now is in a different truck still going.
Too bad they don't make a set for a 07 pontiac g6 3.5l piston and ring set… tried to get some a year ago and had nothing.
Happy for Wyatt. He deserves some camera time. Would be cool to see him build a real deal race car.
Kyle went hard in that project x movie 😂 iykyk
Since you cant get BoostedBois back, there is only one option. BoostedBuddies. 😂
I love the content on this channel. But frankly Kyle couldn’t do 85% of it without everyone involved. Renaming the channel to reflect himself just seems rather selfish and out of character. It’s never been about any single boosted boi… but the collective boiz.
But hey. It is his/ their channel and we are still watching haha
Damn 8 minutes of just yapping
Wyatt needs to have longer videos of his stuff
Am i seeng stuff when I see that balancer wobbling? 12:42 I swear the shadow is even showing it
That duramax sounded so good on first start. What kinda Durmax platform is it just curious? I’m guessing lb7?
Glad to see it make it to sick week that truck is so beautiful
Channel is tanking. What are you thinking?
We can see the bed ! Good eye
Omg the weighted balancers bent or gonna fall off😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
That truck is so sick! And its 4×4? I bet it rips!
You are not alone
Glad to see you ended up changing the name. I knew it was the right move
Next time you should try the ppe cast iron heads and see if they hold up any better.
Wyatt just wants get back to Alaska, I can see it in his eyes, his days here are numbered
Cummins time
If Kyle would set up his boys more instead of having 20 project cars that he never uses this Chanel would go hard af
Good to see whit back 👍
Is that crank pulley wobbling?
The trailer doesn't look up to the task. Those are some little tires. Don't flip your trailer!
That paint looking wet on the truck 🔥
Good to see the boostedboiz boosting. Still think you should change the name back. But I get why you didn't. I changed my channel a couple of times in the beginning, but i've stuck with this one for like 7 years.
Hopefully one day it's known like Boostedboiz. Been watching y'all since your colorado house with charlie and his wago, and just your red civic. I remember you crashing waggo in the winter.
Street racing the red hatch from car meets, when you got the mr2 and chucked the rod out of the stock engine, pretty much immediately.😂 i've been there since the old skate park scooter videos lol. What a ride it's been.
we need a boostedboiwyatt channel sad you switched up Kyle
Yes! Been waiting for this.
Gotta love the BoostedBoiKyle & BoostedBoiWyatt collab! Should do this more often!
Should have changed the name to boostedboiwhyatt for this episode
12:41 oh no! The crank pulley is gunna fall off. 😂
These comments are pathetic.. who cares what the name of the channel is???
Wtf is going on with that crank pulley it was trippin me out.
No Speed of air pistons ?
Its like the old call of duty FAZE days every memeber has there own channel
Bro you guys put a whole new engine in and your harmonic balancer if still broke😂
Fingers crossed for the home team
I hate seein BoostedBoiKyle. Like come on bro, i thought Wyatt and all us viewers were parts of the Bois. Long time subscriber.
Good to see the Boiz at it again
The sticker wobbling on crank pully pissis my ocd off lol
wyatt needs his own channel. i only watch these vids for his work because kyle is an idiot.
Can anybody tell me why the harmonic balancer looks like it's shaking?
Where is boostedboiWyatt channel??? I called this one way back it’s not a good choice of nothing except the paint job 😂😂😂
kswap the truck
Giveaway over?