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NPK Round 5 Race Recap From Maple Grove…This isn’t good. The small block is straight up not having a good time bro
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I have a serious question that I would like see explained in a video. Either by you guys or Proline. Why aren't these motors running titanium rods??? I realize the cost factor. It's probably 3 times that of a aluminum rod. But the weight has got to be the same. Not only that. The longevity is much greater. As well as you could recondition them atleast once. I've ran a 410 sprint car for 3 seasons on a single set. And maybe Im wrong but sprint cars are far harder in engines than drag racing. Your engine runs maybe 3 minutes total. 4 seconds at full tilt. I've ran my 410 for sometimes 30 minutes at 9,000 rpm. So Im just courious as to why not use something stronger than aluminum rods. I appreciate the fact that Shawn doesn't want to join the hemi gang. But there has to be a way to keep that small block together. Good luck getting it together for the next race. Us Moron's don't want to see you miss anymore. Especially when Im waiting to see you hand Swanstrom his ass as well..
Why did we not see the video of when it blew?
Talk to your builder ask them what's it going to take to keep the engine together more so relatively speaking.
12:55 was always told by old heads. If you have to torque bolts in a specific pattern with multiple torques, NEVER reuse those bolts
Obviously you need to keep extra bolts on hand and just discard them when checking bearings and just replace them with new bolts.
Sorry bout it man if morons don’t have bad luck we wouldn’t have any at all
Golf cart sounds bad idk if it’s that and the wind but daaammnn that’s rough
First off PHANTOM, You do a F'ING AMAZING JOB with everything you do and the sacrifices you make for the team. All I know is that Disco Dean dodged a MAJOR BULLET when the Nova went down. Shawn and the Nova were definitely gonna give stinky pinky that a$$ whoopin. Tough luck, but hang in there! You guys will get it fixed and I know there's definitely a Npk win in the cards for you guys. Hopefully more than one. #187CUSTOMS
God damn man I feel like u guys have the worst luck. Like if I was a racer I'd be like ya'll. Lol. But like a true champion ur fixin shit and coming back better and faster, good luck guys.
Hang in there guys ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¼
Need a legit camera with a wind muff so we can hear something besides wind and muttering
Thanks for the update Phantom. Good luck,
Jeff said like the flag🤣🤟🤟🤟
You guys cant catch a break.
You are hauling Ass and looking good doing it.
Hopefully Proline will get this Small Block solid for you guys!
Keep the Faith guys!
You know your time to win is very soon!
Going to go buy some merchandise to help support you guys!…come on guys lets help out Murder Nova!
Shawn great meeting you there it was a pleasure !!
Damn I’m a huge fan!!! BUT!! Sometimes you have to swallow pride and stop beating your head against the wall and stop throwing money in the trash or at some point there won’t be a no prep Murda nova unless you have a hell of lot more money then you let on! Your my favorite driver but you got to stop throwing that money away!! That small block is a bad mfer and fast!! But you honestly see the luck u have had with it! But damn I’m the same way!! I’ll beat my head against the wall until I’m broke and unconscious!
When you guys going to spray that golf cart
On big stroker engines, rod angle it's your biggest enemy. I strongly believe that's your problem with this combo. Probably time to go BBC like the O.G. Best of luck to you guys. #moronnation
It's Great Winning as an underdog.. Let's look at some facts.
Yes, your small block is fast.
You went to that block when everyone else fast was running it so it is not about following others, It's about passing and leaving so they can catch you. You see already you needed to change your maintenance program it maybe time to change your engine program as well ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
Good luck fellas. Can't wait until you guys get all the bugs worked out on that beast.
Shout out to Phantom on busting his ass!
That's sucks dude but i know you've not got any give in you. Proline will figure out what is going on and everybody's gonna see the fastest mother fucker out there soon. We are pullin for y'all!
Damn shawn that sucks but I respect your love for that small block hopefully that spare motor comes are quick it sucks show up and not even getting a point hopefully it's nothing serious and you guys get back at it as always keep up the awesome work guys 💪💪💯💯
Damn, hate it for you guys. Hang in there
ARP 2000 rod bolts.really?
You need to think about what you putting in that motor.
9500 rpm,70lb boost,it needs best rod bolts money can buy.When you do bearings, definitely should use new bolts too.Cmon murder you should know this shit.havent we had this before after a bearing swap?You must have too much TV 💰.
Thank you for not going hemi! Hope your back at it in cordova!
don't retorquing the bolts exceed the stretch limits?
If it wasn't for bad luck you would have no luck at all love that small block
The bad stuff happens and you all stay positive which why I watch your channel. I stopped watching the show cuz I can’t stand the drama. I did not comment on the last video so I will say it here what you said about having your family with you makes a huge difference and having the support of them is why the bad stuff can roll off cuz know matter what they are waiting for you in the pits.