Mini Cash Days – 500-1000hp cars Street Racing!

Mini Cash Days – 500-1000hp cars Street Racing! Mini cash days was a 1320Video organized street race modeled off of the BIG BOYS down south who have even more serious cars. While these cars aren’t quite as fast, they are just as fun to watch! 900hp turbo Camaro, 1000hp twin turbo cobra, 800hp twin turbo nova wagon, 700hp turbo Fire Bird, and more!


25 thoughts on “Mini Cash Days – 500-1000hp cars Street Racing!

  1. 🔥🔥
    🏁🏁🏁best race ever🏎️🏎️🏎️
    1:23 🔥
    👇 👇 👇 👇 👇💜

  2. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    🏁🏁🏁amazing what he did🏎️🏎️🏎️
    0:48 💯💖

  3. Mad props to the rx7 had the first 2 handed to em but ran the balls off that thing for being 450 wheel against that Camaro 😂😂

  4. None of this involves skill at all, all it proves is that your cars faster then the other guys, put them on a circuit and watch them get beat by a 400 horsepower import

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