Meet the Newest Gambler 500 Build

Meet the Newest Gambler 500 Build

In todays episode were unveiling our newest car and the build plans for it!
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Fareoh – Cloud Ten


48 thoughts on “Meet the Newest Gambler 500 Build

  1. wow, who knew you already had plans for the single seater at this point ! and quite the coincidence that you announced the single seater just 2 days off a year later 😛

  2. Put a cam so Phat you can’t tell if it’s on and struggling for fuel or simply waiting for you to put your foot down and release bald eagle freedom🤤

  3. 6:42 do u even watch his videos? He has a fully built faceplated t56 and a built diff. He has had that rebuilt once allready. The stock one failed pretty soon after he put turbos on it. I'm excited for the project but that's pretty misleading bro!

  4. I know there’s a way on those to adjust the leaf spring to lower them by turning some bolts, maybe the opposite direction will lift it.

  5. This is going to be cool, maybe put sand paddle tires and take it to the dunes.👍

  6. Well the corvette wasn’t supposed to exist after the c4 so I think the c5 is to underrated in terms of the corvettes go

  7. "Mercedes something something 240z killer car" 😂 rip 240z….

  8. The area you're pointing to is the serpentine belt tensioner pulley. Do not skimp here! Replace that with a quality part! I've had two of those fail, each time leaving me on the side of the road. Most recently I've purchased a thicker, more expensive tensioner that is super beefy.

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