At the 2008 Spring Midwest Shootout this year there was a beautiful Camaro that I threw my in car camera setup in, well, just watch, you’ll see
In car wheelie footage – Badass 70’s Camaro

At the 2008 Spring Midwest Shootout this year there was a beautiful Camaro that I threw my in car camera setup in, well, just watch, you’ll see
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Did he ever get his steering wheel aligned?
i dont know why but i feel like the steering wheel is useless?
whats under the hood,…whats the suspension brand used up at the front ,. many thanks
lmao really????? you would say something as so dull as that pfttthahahahahah!!!!
I love wheelies, them are good tires not to slip at all
you are correct, Danny is off the gas before the line.
not sure his best ET but I have seen him run 9.24
and then 2 weeks later cruise Missouri Blvd
Weeeeeeeeee so fun
Who the hell are you to judge someones opinion? How do you not know that some people like displaying there abiltity do lift the front up? This is bad ass.. props to driver for holdin on
I thought I put this thing in first?
dam that was so cool
ya, by the time your car finished the pass at 116, mine would have made it to 70mph.
Ver y nice car and video. "Ya" no dam music to "F"it up .
that trans brake is hell
Badass….obviously not the guys first wheelstand….freakin' awesome!!
wow that guy seriously had his elbow up on by the window sill like he was on a sunday cruise, meanwhile he hung the hoops for 100 feet!!!!
that was probably his last run then IHRA made him quit because he went to fast without a roll cage
must be an amazing feeling to just feel the power pushing you back and the front goes upp. people like me just live for that feeling
Damn tracks like a dream
Does it need a alignment?
I HATE CHEVY but I have to say i love this video lol great driver.
Could be an RS/Z28.
Great driver.. smooth, relaxed.
vin diesel wheelie was much better
maybe my butthole he would eat alive…VINNIE D IS GHEY
73 right?
but the bumper is wrong
on a z/28 the bumper aint split like that
only on a rs
Bummer on losing yours like that. I had one too. A 70 rs/ss 396. Wish I had it today. Had some great memories with it though.
could be a little stiffer on the front to prevent the sparks….but other than that its badass
the suspension on that things awesome
Awesome! I need to work on getting my second gen camaro to hook like that.
prolly wulda ben a 9.5 @ 135 or so
bass ass car
Is that thing on drag radials too?
man i miss my camaro i had the same year 70
my dad bought it one the day before i was born had for than 15 years same color too
until one day my dad felt like taking it to my cousins wedding and some dumbass guy hit him and all 15 years of taking care of it was wasted
this was a really good way to enjoy that wheelie…nice fucken vid dude!!!
damn that thing leaves nice