I Created A Device That Will Stop My Italian Yacht From Sinking… Again

I Created A Device That Will Stop My Italian Yacht From Sinking… Again

In today’s episode im winterizing my Italian Yacht and building a monitoring and alarm device to make sure things stay safe on board while im not around.

Link for the boat monitor page: https://csteinbacher.github.io/boat_monitor_homepage/riva_monitor.html

Big thanks to Optima Batteries for supporting us on our boat projects, check them out here! – https://www.optimabatteries.com/

Heres the links to the parts for the arduino project.
Arduino Uno R3 – https://amzn.to/3WN4QDT
Botletics sim7000 – https://amzn.to/4hremVQ
Hologram – https://www.hologram.io/pricing/
Voltage sensor – https://amzn.to/4hAnE1k
Buck converter – https://amzn.to/40Lxkzb
Temp sensor – https://amzn.to/40JoUs7
Amazon Basics Heater – https://amzn.to/411qwyR

RFID Keyless Start Behind The Build video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Z84I3GywQ&ab_channel=BehindTheBuild

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Fareoh – Cloud Ten


25 thoughts on “I Created A Device That Will Stop My Italian Yacht From Sinking… Again

  1. I know it's been mentioned, but add a sensor that will alert you if the bilge pump has been running for more than a minute. Another water sensor above the bilge high water level. Maybe even a flow sensor that triggers alarm if the bilge pump is running but flow not detected. It is all a rabbit hole that could be never-ending.

  2. When I build a 3d printed box I print a small hole in the stand offs that is smaller than the screw.. that way the screws go is straight and the screw cuts its own threads in the standoff.
    For an extra layer of protection I would have done a separate rechargeable batter for the Arduino that is recharged by the boat batteries. That way is there is a catastrophic battery failure you still should get alerts (I would do the same with the battery for the Cell service).
    Since you had extra temp sensors I would also put one in the cabin and one outside the boat to get a baseline outside temp along with engine room and cabin temps.
    Lastly I would add a water sensor in both locations as well.

  3. Highly recommend buying a cheap water sensor and putting it at the highest point you would expect water normally. That way regardless of Temps and bat volts you can still get an SOS if you are taking on water. Also the sensors are like 10$

  4. In your box, why not just print hollow standoff and use sheet metal type self-tapping screws? That's pretty normal for projects like this.
    This didn't need any ventilation… it's all VERY low power, and holes just let bugs and humidity in… causing corrosion.

  5. I live in Buffalo, NY so we all are forced to pull our boats and winterize them. What I can’t understand is why people who live in areas like Chris, keep their boats in the water year round. You’re clearly not going to use the boats for 3-4 months and run the risk of freezing.

    Why not pull them, store them on land, and winterize the systems?

    I have a comparable boat in terms of size, amenities, and engines. It costs me $25 to winterize my water system (DIY shower, toilet, sinks, etc) and around $1200 to pull the boat, winterize the engines, store on land for 6 months, and shrink wrap the whole thing… and I essentially don’t need to worry about a thing from late October through late April/early May.

    Cost wise, I guarantee he’s paying more for year round slip use than I pay for my slip, winterization, and dry storage. I’m at $2,900 for my slip and winter stuff.

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