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  1. Love your channel and also the family channel love what your all doing i especially loved how u wide boddied PHOENIX from the grave im doing a lil project of my own and I'm trying to wide body it also its just a charger by chance question would it be better to drill holes or cut for the flares and yes they are OEM

  2. That muffler might have to much back pressure for that motor, most factory mufflers have what they call E-glass in them to quite them down, you need a free flowing muffler and since you put the muffler upside down you should put a drain hole in it

  3. 👍👋👋👋😁

  4. Man, that looks waaaaaay better!!!! Super nice job!! But don't burn yourselve down like you do, take your rest man!!!! Otherwise José is going donwn like everyone else who makes ours like that!! If you make a lot of hours and get tired your quality and speed wil go down!!! If you make a lot of hours, they won't all be productive because of exhaustion!!!! Plus whe won't get nice video's if Jose gets a burnout!!! 😁😁🤣🤣

  5. That new project look 👀 like an exotic care so I’m thinking about meclaren ore c8 that’s how she shape on it looks like .

  6. Great job man and wife! I can't wait to hear it running and driving.
    So, do you warranty your vehicles like my Father and I used to? Good for 20,000 miles or the end of the driveway, which ever comes first.
    Oh, and I hope you make some money from all of the advertising that pops up on your videos. I got 4 of them on this one. Usually it's only one or two, but Damn, 4??!!!
    Anyway I can't wait to see how the Miada turns out, and again Greetings from the great White North of North Pole, Alaska.
    (Today is the 16th of January and it's -14°f outside and dropping to the -20°s overnight)

  7. Even the best mechanics make mistakes keep up the good work💪🏼👌🏼

  8. Extremely custom one off work takes time. And exhaust is no exception. To all those seemingly complaining about how long he’s taken did any of you offer to help?

  9. Honestly would not pay attention to what the this is 1,000 episode of the exhaust people. You obviously want it right an that takes time, not to mention the car looks like a five year old did the cutting and welding when it was originally built.

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