Fork Lift ENGINE SWAP at the Track!?!?

Fork Lift ENGINE SWAP at the Track!?!?

Most people trailer their car home and fix it over a matter of weeks or months after melting a piston… not this hard core racer! On Rocky Mountain Race Week theres no time to waste, with the requirement to DRIVE to each of 4 tracks over 5 days and make a pass, if you dont make it by 3:00pm youre OUT! Unfortunately for this crew, their engine decided to give out due to a lean condition and the only way to make it to the next track and stay in the competition was to swap the engine. Swapping a junk yard 6.0L LS2 out for another junk yard engine, but a smaller 4.8L version, 5 hours later they were on the road and back in the competition thanks to a tracks forklift used to hoist the engine in and out of the car!
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