Cornfed 2.0 was setting the bar high at this years Winter Meltdown No-prep. This ALCOHOL powered, fire-breathing MONSTER is capable of drawing tears from ANYONE that dares to line up for a race. We were sad to it break the tires loose against Jackie in the Sonoma, but thats a no-prep race for ya! Cant wait to see er again!
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Damn… That's things. Hot! What like a 7 sec pass in a 1/4?
He raced lethal weapon at 2:00
Every time I see this S-10….. it makes me want to fix up my 86 S-10 BLAZER! ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ✌
3:55 that truck is so fast it looks like some one speed up the video x20 that mf insane
Knox learned to drive that truck finally
If he mad an a pass still would have lost. Sonoma was on rails that night
Is that the sonoma daddy dave used to drive?
I wanna see more of that blown silverado
What was Jackie running?
again….read the posts. who is this guy? fast vs. ?
Last truck gapped his ass nasty😂😂
Whoever the fuck is doing the annotations for your videos doesnt have a fuckin clue what car is what 3/4 the time…
even if he couldnt make a pass, that blown silverado was awesome. something about seeing a full size truck pick up the front end is just badass
staged with jackie cause u notice he rolled out good with all other races but with jackie he magically broke lose
sick little s10
Jackie's Shi$% RODE OUT on that last pass
should have left the setup alone in the final race. was doing so good. till the end. people get nervous for nothing and mess themselves up. feck jackie and his slonoma. lame ass dude.
Drug money to fund the build no doubt, as with all of them. They certainly dont get the money selling groceries and tune ups.
Canefed – most commercial alcohol comes from sugar aka the sugar cane, but also corn… So it could be corn or cane
what were the sparks at the end of each run in the box body S10?
so Achohol runs so cool no need for a radiator?