FIRST PASS On The Mr2’s New Setup! (Huge Potential)

FIRST PASS On The Mr2’s New Setup! (Huge Potential)


20 thoughts on “FIRST PASS On The Mr2’s New Setup! (Huge Potential)

  1. Boy I knew my man!!!! You weren’t playing! Since day one love from nome Alaska home of gold rush tv

  2. I remember when Kyle was so frustrated running like 12, 9.0 passes and was so stoked just to get a 8.9 and now 3rd pass runs a slow 8.6! Insane, I can't wait to see this thing full rip

  3. That thing is like the damn space shuttle with the auto sequence launch, auto abort on malfunction (as it were 14 heroes later), vector tracking with velocity correction to prevent wheelies, DANG!
    BTW it sounds a bit like a Bridgeport sometimes.

  4. And she’s in the 7’s now 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  5. I’m so stoked for this shit!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Spoiler Alert 🚨: Kyle just posted on Instagram, first MR2 in the 7s…. Crazy. Congratulations

  7. Awesome 💯👍👍👍

  8. Watching this late and I go on instagram just to find out he ran a 7 already crazy‼️🤣 congrats boyz

  9. Congrats on the first in the 7’s boys!! All the hard work paid off!

  10. Perfect team man congratulations guys💪🏼💪🏼🔥

  11. 8.6 on the 3rd pass! Hellz Yeah! Awesome job guys. Congrats on one sick ass build! Ya'll got the 7 in the bag. 🎒🥊💥🤘

  12. How about switching to methanol before jumping to a bigger turbo?
    I hope they do that before upgrading the turbo as the next step,
    i am curious how fast they can go with this setup with just an methanol tune added.

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