Extreme road rage – Car tries to take out bikers!

Extreme road rage – Car tries to take out bikers!

A group of bikes were riding in Omaha, NE this weekend when the driver of a car decided to try and drive them off the road. You can see several times when the driver attempts to wreck the bikes at 60+ MPH. It’s unknown what provolked the driver of the car.

Driver was arrested for drug charges, nothing related to the bike incident.


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29 thoughts on “Extreme road rage – Car tries to take out bikers!

  1. Again this is so fucking retarded, the driver made a mistake. Well ok, it happens. The guy driving the car didnt do it on purpose.
    But then these retards riding down the highway without proper gear on strart provoking the car thinking they're hot shit? I ride bikes myself and I wish someone got ran over by the guy.

    These guys had it coming to them, fucking grow up.

  2. If you sport bikers were more respectable to others around you and follow the law…that would not happen. Just a bunch of Low Life punks on 2 wheels…should have taken you out

  3. The bikers thinking they own the roads and can break all the laws is what caused this. Them passing him then cutting him off. Then for all of the bikers to stop for me I would have started shooting rounds into you guys if I came to the stop on the side of the road and you all ganged up on me.

  4. I know the drivers uncle, the driver told everybody that they were trying to hit the car with sticks and shit, and tried to make it sound like they provoked him by surrounding him, pretty sure he's a druggie, nobody likes him, it's pretty clear why in this video

  5. Lol
    All dumba$$e$

  6. Good job to the gentleman in the car I would have done the same👍👍

  7. Kids dont let publicity control you 🤦‍♂️

  8. As a biker, if someone is being reckless and dangerous and endangering my life like that when I'm on my bike I can tell you I'm sure as hell not going to stick around him like these morons. "He's dangerous, let's ride right next to him and escalate the situation further."

  9. Cry cry cry you don’t own a car you Will never have the balls to be on 2 wheels, just cry on YouTube comment section, like the losing beta that you are

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