Dr Pepper Traction Compound!

Dr Pepper Traction Compound!

Screw VHT… we got Dr. Pepper!

Filmed while shooting Cash Days VIII DVD in TX – http://www.1320video.com/cash-days-vii-viii-dvd-pre-order/


36 thoughts on “Dr Pepper Traction Compound!

  1. Wish you didn't block the time would of love to know how fast boosted first yellow stang was. And his second and his new orange one. But I know there grudge racers and don't want people to know lol

  2. Coca Cola syrup works even better. So much so we started breaking axles, good ones. The good thing about it is you can get it at just about any restaurant. The best part is, it washes off with plain water so your car cleans up easy.

  3. Know what…that car was part of the show Street Outlaws…they in my opinion treated im different/poorly. He stayed in a camper to be there and the douche bags wreck it for a laugh!!! Fkn Goofs…and by the way, full interior little Mustang with a SBF running with all those big guns on Street Outlaws…didn't look good on the low baggie pants homies so they forced him out!!! Cowards!

  4. I never can hook and refuse to shell out 40 bucks to get sticky so watch out ants im going to try it,  Check out my full track burnouts and see what im fighting..

  5. That wasn't murder nova or Chuck, that nova has a pro charger molded into the grill and Chucks car has a front ferring kit that is black.

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