Diesel Burnouts !

Diesel Burnouts !

http://www.1320video.com big diesel burnouts, diesel cookies, diesel diesel! 🙂


44 thoughts on “Diesel Burnouts !

  1. the epa is coming to see u. the emissions gangsters😎😎

  2. the worst burnouts ive ever seen… my little sister did a better strip her first time in my diesel… get your burnout game figured out its just saddd

  3. Lol at the people saying learn how to burnout, i don't see your burnout videos? Something called physics meaning the weight might have something to factor in with this.. And environmentalist's y'all can kiss my country ass!

  4. I like seeing videos like this to see how many people claim to be a mechanic. A majority of them are just motor mouthed braggers. I tell you I know nothing about diesels so im not gonna run my mouth like many of the commenters do. Very nice trucks by the way, I laughed when that one truck smoked out that corvette 🙂 thanks for the entertainment

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