Colt tranny drops at 120mph !

Colt tranny drops at 120mph ! The Colt drops the tranny and the clutch fly’s out the front of the car at over 120 mph!


24 thoughts on “Colt tranny drops at 120mph !

  1. It's clear to see that this car couldn't handle the speed and over-revving of the engine at the same time. Hence the reason why the transmission exploded and dropped. Well done. Time for a new car!

  2. People hating, thats F'in rad! Good he thought to get out and be aware of fire but whipping the bonnet open can make hot oil flash over. Kill cars safely everyone 🙂

  3. Josh Blackett you seem like the type of guy to trailer your shit! your a dumb ass. regardless it doesnt matter what car you have give the kid some fucking respect for building a car like that. 

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