Cleetus McFarland Invited Us Over During The Rain Out! Plus a Tour of TBM Brakes!

Cleetus McFarland Invited Us Over During The Rain Out! Plus a Tour of TBM Brakes!

Day at Bradenton also didn’t go as planned! But we hooked up with Cleetus McFarland and made the best of it!

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25 thoughts on “Cleetus McFarland Invited Us Over During The Rain Out! Plus a Tour of TBM Brakes!

  1. Cool video but I have to be honest the production quality change kinda got to me. I realize you’re getting them out quick for the race. B roll isn’t as cool and it sounds like a 70’s bush porno 😂. Voice quality is way better tho.

  2. Phantom, i love all of the videos, but the music in the background of this is kinda wack! Lol love the content, have seen everything you guys have posted. Thanks for all of the entertainment!

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