Cash Days III DVD – $7,000 Street Race!

Cash Days III DVD – $7,000 Street Race!

Big money street racing is what this DVD is all about! 8, 9, 10 second cars all battling it out, HEADS UP, for a $7,000 pot! Two nights of racing, huge burnouts, close races, and a battle for the cash!

Also included in this DVD is the St. Louis Street Racing trip you may have seen on my site or youtube page, that race was for $12,000 with the same caliber cars! (more)


27 thoughts on “Cash Days III DVD – $7,000 Street Race!

  1. im not hating. im just saying that its all for good fun. and i'd hate to have a non street legal car when the cops come to break up the party, which is guaranteed.

  2. he is right, its street racing for a reason, because the cars are from the streets and get driven daily. and it gives you a goal, making your car as fast as possible while still being legal

  3. Not hating on the racing at all but this is reckless. These car are powerful enough to spin the tires like that, they should be at a track with ambulances readily available for the racers sake.

  4. How fast they would go in a 1/4 mile race, to put things into perspective a bugatti veyron does a 1/4 mile in 10 or 9 secs an it's 1 of the faster cars in the world an some of these cars are faster, a normal 17-18k car will do a 1/4 in about 14-15 secs, hope that cleared it up 4 u

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