Can Boddie’s Crazy NEW Camaro Build TAKE DOWN the Big Dogs??

Can Boddie’s Crazy NEW Camaro Build TAKE DOWN the Big Dogs??

Boddie is an icon on the West Coast for his part in the No Prep Racing community. Hosting several no prep events each year and even appearing on Discovery’s “Street Outlaws”.
After years of struggling to get the power down in his old Nova, he has moved the setup into a gorgeous Camaro which has already proved to be superior. Will this new build be enough to make waves in the no-prep community? We sure think it has a chance!

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34 thoughts on “Can Boddie’s Crazy NEW Camaro Build TAKE DOWN the Big Dogs??

  1. Yessir sf stand up 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  2. Oh she’s fast alright.

  3. 🔥

  4. That's car looks bad ass 💯💪👊

  5. I still don’t see how those giant bull horn exhaust pipes help at all with aerodynamics. They must produce some decent downforce but you think there would be a better way to do the exhaust

  6. I don't think there's anyone that doesn't like Boddie. He's a really cool dude man and will help any racer in need. I used to root for him a lot when he raced but that red Nova, that he had for years, just wasn't up to the power he had in it. The colour of that Camaro is a gorgeous shade of blue. It looks like he's finally got himself a hot rod! I wish him all the luck in the world moving forward. He should do really good once the car is lined out.

    @ 5:45 There's no way that's Jackie in the Sonoma is it?!! Lol. I really think it is. It's running a pro charger and definitely looks like that truck!

  7. That machine is SCREAMING!!!! 👍👍🏁🏁

  8. That’s one sick first gen

  9. That’s one of the most beautiful cars I’ve ever seen. Love that vinyl top. Classic.

  10. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱‼️‼️‼️‼️ BBAAAAADD-AAAASSS CAMARO ‼️‼️

  11. I love Bodie!! When Daddy Dave wrecked the very first Goliath real bad not long after finishing Bodie gave and shipped Dave another Chevy II so he could build Goliath 2.0 !!! He probably knew Dave was crushed having wrecked after working so hard and spending alot to build his car so he did that for Dave!!! I thought that was the coolest thing anybody could've done ,

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