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Today is a science episode we’ve been trying to do for a LONG time! We were able to get our hands on some moonshine, so we might as well try to run it in Ruby!
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Everyone keep Greg Biffle’s moonshine operation on the down low please 😂😂😂
We need more moonshine, James Order a pallet
Water in fuel and or water injection as someone said timing can be advanced as water turns to steam and slows combustion. But thermochemicle water splitting starts at 400deg. Combustion temp 400-1000 gas, as pressure rises the temp can be lower. Towards the end of combustion hydrogen and oxygen gives a longer push on the piston.
Guys, guys, guys, MOONSHINE is illegal. It's hand sanitizer !!!
Didn’t you already know those old rednecks never told a lie? 😂
We need more moonshine testing brother. Great episode!
Poor ruby was already a drug addict and now she’s an alcoholic 😂😂
Aww guys! The boys over at PFI have been tuning that shine in their hondas! Sure, those vids were a while ago but i bet they remember whats up(like timing and boost lol)
Need to find out what the moonshine is capable of.
110% need a moon shine challenge
Mythbusters did an episode on moonshine & did some car stuff with it too.
I would say try to make your own ignight and mix moonshine with gas then test it that way you have more of a comparison to actual ignight
Do a full tank of moonshine and tune it properly
I prefer to be the one who runs on moonshine. My relationship with my truck and I will never get in the way of my love for the shine.
+1 for antoher shine vid.
Yes get more moonshine and do more tests!
Are we all just going to ignore that Windows background?
more shine and make a pass i wanna see the et do it for dale
So, Gregg is getting into the race fuel buisness, then?
I bought 3 of those tvs but in different sizes. Great walmart roku tvs for cheap, they are a pain to get used to though.
So this video was just to show the masses that drinking ignite is a faster way to be wasted then moonshine….
We need a part 2 where they run it on more moonshine and figure out what it needs to make peek power
Congrats on The Nascar Zone Video. Looking forward to more Nascar.
With straight moonshine wouldn’t the pure alcohol eat away at the plastic/rubber parts? Doesn’t e85 / gasoline ect have some “oil”additives to protect the plastics/ rubber?
You cant see it in tha light of day. Only see methanol in tha dark.
Go home Ruby, you're drunk 🤣😂
Va and nc moonshine country, Franklin County va, is known as the moonshine capital of the world
Had some shine that you could soak a paper towel in, light it up and it would just burn the shine not the towel.
They used moonshine as fuel enrichment for nitrous. That's where your results will come from 😎
Try running it on everclear
Don’t waste that peach it’s the one to enjoy with your buddies!!
Just curious how moonshine would react in a diesel Motor. Just my .02…
Hell yeah brother. Get more moonshine.
I think a full moonshine tune would be cool to see!
The background scenry of the shop looks like a windows 98 screensaver
EverClear is typically higher ethanol than most moonshine , legal or other. Even folks that like shine , typically won't drink it much higher than 100 proof or 50% abv , also it's hard to distill higher than about 120proof
Moonshine even at its highest proof is still significantly less than pump e85 pump e85 is around 220-250 proof if tested with a alcohol hydrometer also with it being less proof (strength) is the reason you needed so much more fuel
Get more shine brother