Pulled the mufflers off my car, the result is a really loud, obnoxious exhaust, go figure! hahah
LG Pro long tube headers, no cats, Corsa exhaust, few other bolt-ons too.
Pulled the mufflers off my car, the result is a really loud, obnoxious exhaust, go figure! hahah
LG Pro long tube headers, no cats, Corsa exhaust, few other bolt-ons too.
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Bro this is one old 1320 video lmao
Omg this is so old lol I love it
This thing has come a long way 😂
Install some QTP electronic exhaust cutouts and you can go from this to factory quiet at the push of a button. Crazy loud when you want, and quiet when you need.
Muffler.exe stoped working
any droning on the highway?
Watshed 12/8/2016.
Hell Yeah!!!
Instead of just removing the mufflers weld a pipe where it used to be it will be just as loud but will sound even better
How bad is that for the car?
Do you still own the Speedway White C5Z?
I know what I'm doing when I get a car
well good bye collage. hello straight piped corvette
Hell ya
Now take this down a tunnel.
everyone else's ears will be non-existent
Fuck man that is so god damn badass, love it
Could you leave the exhaust like it is there. Leave it under the car without any pipe to the back end? Would it cause any damage?