Budget Lotus Evora Pt 6 – Hacking The Immobiliser

Budget Lotus Evora Pt 6 – Hacking The Immobiliser

In this episode we try and start the car! To do this we temporarily reinstall the radiator, power steering, brake fluid reservoir, and battery. After that we pull some panels under the dash to access the cars immobiliser. Once we have access to the immobiliser we bridged the circuits for the starter and the fuel pump and gave it a shot! But in the end transmission problems got the best of us on this one 🙁


01:56 – Fareoh – Cloud Ten
10:50 – Killercats – Kaibu


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42 thoughts on “Budget Lotus Evora Pt 6 – Hacking The Immobiliser

  1. what was the reason to work on the immobiliser? the key wasn´t from that specific car? just trying to understand. love your channel mate. greetings from portugal

  2. My kit car has a start system interlock. With the keyless go you must be in park with your foot on the brake to start the engine but if it’s in park you can start it with the key without your foot on the brakes. This means that you can reach in and start it if you are working on it but you can’t start it from the passengers side from the keyless go.

  3. On the lotus fuel pump has two hot leadss one for turn key and the other after ten seconds second one keeps car running fuel pump is on only when turn key Toyota use open circut relay two hot leads then blue wire funds pump full time middle wire run only when key is on so good luck but maybe one sequrity wire for nuetral safty switch h

  4. I know this is late compared to when the video is released, but isn't this engine just the V6 from the Camry SE? so wouldn't a replacement engine be relatively cheap?

  5. Bummed engine sink your cost benefit? Try the trans (and turbos if it has em)….. that's just a run of the mill 4 cyl, If air box broke, check for broke engine mounts…they're weak as f laterally. (hit curb sideways)
    Dudes pumping the throttle with a F.I. car? am I missing something

  6. you have no idea what the stuff on your vacuum pump stands for? ~_~
    it's bar or pascal, you didn't really think that Psi was a standard unit of measuring pressure in the world i hope. The imperial system is very rare(about 10% of the world uses it)

  7. 10:45… don't ever do that (pumping the throttle) to a fuel injected car… ever again… it does absolutely nothing it's not a carb…. and it makes you look supremely unintelligent. It's akin to jump starting a car that cranks fine (full battery) but doesn't start….

  8. Modern Toyotas use what's called CAN (controller area network) Bus. The simplest explanation is that it works a lot like say, ethernet or USB. The loss in communication makes me think that one of those jumper wires shorted out that section of the network. One or both of those jumpers needs to be removed. Quite frankly, i'm surprised you were able to communicate with any module -Go Toyota!- Also, why disable the imobiliser?

  9. something that catches me out on longer projects is STALE FUEL. I have a V8 at home that after about 6 months or even slightly less she wont start until the fuel is replaced with fresh stuff.

  10. Sounds like it's got no fuel or spark. Since those are two things that are messed up when the anti theft/crash problems happen. Check the fuel pump cutoff (button that clicks on when a hard collision happens.) Anti theft/transmission gear will prevent spark. Same with the neutral safety switch.

    Double check your grounds. First thing to do, they've dicked me on my custom builds and general repairs.

  11. The whining you are hearing is from the throttle body not the fuel pump. You should check for power and ground to the fuel pump with a volt meter while cranking. You may have to check for injector pulse as well while cranking. Is the tachometer moving slightly while cranking? Can you post the exact error message in the ECU Pxxxx? Bxxxx?

  12. Like someone else said, check to see that you have enough gas.

    Check for an inertia switch on the fuel pump that shuts off fuel in an accident. Fords have them, not sure about Lotus.

    Can you smell raw fuel coming out from the exhaust after cranking it over? If yes, then at least you can rule out a fuel starvation problem.

    Check that the intake or exhaust isn't restricted in some way.

    Check that the crank position/MAF/MAP sensors are intact.

    …and most automatic transmission gear selectors have a neutral safety switch which grounds out the control side of the starter relay. So Park and Neutral act the same way for the starter relay when starting the car.

    Some transmission codes can be reset by disconnecting the battery and clearing the memory. Most cars can be cleared by disconnecting the battery and connecting the positive and negative cables together for 10 minutes.

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