Budget Lotus Evora Pt 15 – Unboxing Parts & Answering Fan Questions

Budget Lotus Evora Pt 15 – Unboxing Parts & Answering Fan Questions

In this episode we unbox some of our new Lotus Evora parts and answer some of your questions! Thanks to our sponsor Hethel Sport.

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Hethel Sport – http://hethelsport.com


38:11 – Sekai – Cave (ft. Lynz Munich)


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26 thoughts on “Budget Lotus Evora Pt 15 – Unboxing Parts & Answering Fan Questions

  1. I know it's almost a year later, but people CAN die if your code is wrong, there are a litany of cases where poorly written code has caused deaths (look up Therac-25, for one). Also, Software Engineering IS real engineering, the problem is the title "Software Engineer" has been handed out to just about anyone who can write a few lines of code, meanwhile "Mechanical Engineer" is only attained by getting a specific degree. But it IS real engineering, just like Computer Science IS real science but most people don't actually understand the "Science" part and think it's all just writing code. Source: I have a degree in Computer Science and am employed as a Software Engineer.

  2. FYI, those panels behind the wheel are to vent air built up in the wheel well, rather than to intake air anywhere. It can contribute a substantial reduction in front lift and drag.

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