Boosted GT Street Racing

Boosted GT Street Racing

BoostedGT’s 1000+ hp turbo charged small block ford powered Mustang GT making a few passes on the street down in Mexico.


46 thoughts on “Boosted GT Street Racing

  1. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    🏁🏁🏁amazing what he did🏎️🏎️🏎️
    1:06 🖤💕
    👇 👇 👇🖤

  2. I’d throw a coyote motor in it and twin turbo it. imagine what it would do then.

  3. Hear big Chief "god dayum" LOL.

    Boosted had to fight to hold onto that at the end there too. Sketchy shit man.

    I was listening to Big Chief and Sean on their podcast the other night and apparently Flip couldn't drive for shit……sober anyway.

    They were saying he could force it down through there when he was hammered but was all over the road when he was straight, LOL.

    R.I.P. Flip.

  4. yea I was going around lookin at the other videos of it trying to find out which Windsor it is, I only assumed the 351 block since those are more likely to see 1,000 hp. I know the 302 blocks are capable of those numbers as well. a built 351? that's sick.

  5. Romeo's cost a ton to make quick, 5.0s have monster torque and much higher and cheaper part availability. 4.6s are fun but 5.0s are the more practical drag application

  6. Okay im from fort worth texas street race almost every saturday and I have never seen or heard of this cat but yet in the show street outlaws guy said he runs the streets of texas where the fuck you at you dipp shit cuz I want a piece

  7. Mad sketchy especially with rows of house right there. The yellow boosted 5.0 looked like it got up to at least 130+ on that run. Too fast for a little neighborhood like that. Take it out to an open road with fields on each side so if someone looses it, they run over wheat and not people or telephone poles.

  8. Been down this road more than once. Never had a problem on a with a 302 block at a little over 550 to the wheels at 12lbs all season long for three years now. Had a 347 that was never dynod. I would guess made around 400 on engine to the wheels and I was spraying that with a 150 shot never had a problem with that ethier have a video where you can see both cars. I switched to a Iron LSX in my fox. 351 has the same weak problems as the 302 I wouldn't push either over 550hp thats the danger zone.

  9. вот это мощь!

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