Blown alcohol Chevelle shows up at the ICC

Blown alcohol Chevelle shows up at the ICC

The most wicked car to show up to the ice cream cruise turns heads, including some of the police keeping an eye on the car show that happened in a random parking lot during hte 2011 Ice Cream Cruise

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43 thoughts on “Blown alcohol Chevelle shows up at the ICC

  1. Reminds me of the time…we stole a funny car and put the engine into my mates Capri… dropped the clutch… and the whole thing exposed… the engine finally ran out of gas after it shook it self through 3 neighbors fences… the cops came and we all knew nothing

  2. Makes me think of a line Burt Reynolds said in Smokey and the Bandit:
    “I’ll need a speedy car (little Enos hands him som money) …a speedier car ( little Enos hand him some more money)

  3. Im sorry Karen i can't hear you , you will have to speak up …. Rev Rev Rev … Im truly sorry i can't hear you 🤯🤣🤣🤣

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