(This is now on DVD!) Big wheelie on the streets, it’s not very often you see a wheelie like this on the streets! The car comes down and nails the oil pan, nice little spark show!
Big Street Wheelie

whoa early 1320 vid this weird
Watched 11/29/2016
Does anyone else on here realize that was Big Chief flagging off that race? You know…the 405 boys..? Street Outlaws? That shit is old as can tell..Chief looks young. He's the one who says "Unbelievable" at 1:16.
Holy shit this is old!
Lets give the other guy some credit too lol. I mean, he DID lift the tires also..
Holy shit
Fucking dope !!!
We are in some great years for muscle, the imports went out with the tide. Only gripe I have is "bought" HP, where you didn't build it, & no an intake, K&N and coils don't buy much bragging rights.
Buying everything at whole sale plus doing the work yourself lol Only thing he can't do is tune it.
LOL how in the hell do you consider a supercharged car a cheap build? To support 600hp there is no way in hell that fuel system cost under 500 itself, not to mention supporting mods for the motor, much less the cost of the S/C itself. Good luck finding that under 1K itself, unless its a shitty powerdyne. Cheap… Fast… Reliable… pick 2 because it = the 3rd Fast+Cheap= won't re reliable, and vice versa with the rest. Fast+reliable=Won't be cheap…. Cheap+Reliable=Won't be fast
My brother has a S/C 600HP GTO and it was a cheap build.
I'm also not a fan of wheelie bars, they look ugly. I'm all for sleepers lol make it look as stock as possible and sound clean (Not like a top fuel dragster lol) I had an 87 LX Mustang that sounded like it had a full exhaust but it was all stock, it was loud from the engine work done. As far as racing, I never raced on a track but would love to, only raced friends for fun so I don't speak with Experience like the guys in this video. I race for fun and nothing else.
"I mean PLEASE correct me if you think I am wrong lol" I didn't say I know I am right lol however I have been into cars and even modifying cars (Mostly V8's but some V6's) since High School, roughly 16 or 17, I forget. Fastest car driven had about 650HP (Dyno was over 650HP so we rounded down to) but no wheelie, a WS6 with the T-56 trans. Only work done was the Engine, Supercharger and full exhaust. T/A's usually have good suspensions anyway so that explains why no wheelie lol
according to him i just thought it ment it had to much grip with more power then it should
Dont forget that it also must be FWD to do one, too!
This man is great with a camera. Almost perfect positioning.
Lol. Country boy thinks 600hp is fast….
@countryboy2725 Ok Country let me explain this to the obvious non motor builder/racer. 450hp is probably realistically after the fly wheel through the trans and all the way back to that axle is closer to 380rwhp in that heavy truck = 14 sec pass how is that fast? And 600hp 03 you consider high power? No thats higher power but a 10.50 pass is a stock motor with decent power adder pass nothing more. And poor example consider stock GT is 400hp NA now and almost does that.
@matthewrockslol22 that be funny as long as he was alright
@BoostedBadBoy ok how bout a 450+ hp ford 1990 f-150 with a 351 wndsor that is preaty fast and one of my buddies has a 600 hp 2003 mustang and thats high powered consitering that mustang runs a 1/4 mile in 10.50 sec
@countryboy2725 Dude your a fucking tool bag and probably never been in anything over 300hp anyway with the way you act and talk. I can tell your a kid. I would love to see you handle a high hp car with torque, lol the second you stomp on the gas the back of the car would be around the front before you can say oh shit I'm a dumbass. 🙂
@JonezyG36C Jonezy, I'm not raging man, I've just seen innocent people die before doing this exact same shit. Street/grudge race we use to do it out here in Outter Dr in MI and someone lost it and ran some people over including a little old lady that wasn't even involved and put their car into a building. Killed 3 people in one shot. And he didn't get that loose, just hit oil lost grip and when he got it back it was straight at the crowd. Have fun but use abandon roads for it if u must.
@countryboy2725 High HP cost LOTS of money, therefore it don't rule the road and those of us that build that kind of power, can't even generally have our cars on a regular road. I fire up my car and shake the windows 5 houses down from me, think a cops going to allow something like that idling on a street? Hell no they aren't. I give them props nice cars, decent race. Just keep it on a track was all I was saying, those cars got loose and to many people there. PERIOD.
@countryboy2725 Country when the worst happens and eventually it will happen. And you watch someone get ran over that just wanted to enjoy a street grudge race, that won't any longer be your outlook on things I promise you. I've seen it happen here in MI thats why I no longer street race myself. I use to have the same immature attitude, and my stuff then was powerful, nothing like it is now though. And no high HP doesn't rule the roads generally 400-500hp cars do
@BoostedBadBoy dont matter no one was hurt and high hp rules the roads
what if he did a wheelie right into that guys face
@bmxican34life are u high?
@bmxican34life where you dropped on your head?
@bmxican34life Then why the fuck does my 93 plymouth acclaim not pull wheelies?
@BoostedBadBoy This said, It is still illegal… but cmon man, cant we have a little fun once and awhile? seems there not hurting anybody but themselves… if you feel differently, there is no need to rage, I am simply discussing my opinion.
@BoostedBadBoy I see your points, A Track would be a more proper and safer place to do this but… at the same time, these guys aren't exactly racing on a busy Interstate. They pose less threat to society than say an 18yr old speeding down the highway with his buddies, goin 90mph. The people in this video are putting themselves in danger, they (I assume) know what "could" happen if something goes wrong, and they are willing to risk it. however, if this was a busy street, my opinions would change
Ryan clearly you have never been in a high HP car. For 1 a 2200hp car couldn't even make it to the gas station let alone a mile due to its gas tank, and generally gearing. A track car like that is WORLDS different than any street driven car. Sure everyone loves the muscle cars they look great sound awesome, but respect is demanded with them or people GET HURT PERIOD. Its Much easier to do that in a cruise missle like that than a stock car, and you seriously disagree?
my civic can beat those cars. vtec power!
@bmxican34life oh well i don't see any hondas out there doing wheelies!
@bmxican34life r u kidding me??? she carrys 1000 kg and she is under powered ???
This is stupid and wreckless, people talking about track talk, and power. Had you been to a track you'd know we are all against this, because of the fact of high HP don't belong on a street!! Look at this example racing at night, can't see oil from regular cars or damp spots. Losing control almost hitting the other car with cars and people on BOTH SIDES, fuckin idiots. Take it to the track where it belongs. One of them loses it look at all those people that could die, or be injured + themselves
@bmxican34life hahahahahahahahaha <— thats all i have to say LMAO
The "chevelle" is acually a nova and its running fine. Blown engines idle like that. it looks like the camaro was easing over into the other lane is the reason he let out.
he let off when he got in the air, otherwise he might have had this one. I would have kept it floored. 🙂
@bmxican34life your smart