$9,500 Grudge Race @ KOTSVII – Bizz vs Ice Cube

$9,500 Grudge Race @ KOTSVII – Bizz vs Ice Cube

DVD Released – http://www.1320video.com/store/dvd/
The amount of money exchanging hands with side bets at the KOTS is pretty ridiculous if you pay attention, this race had a main pot of $9,500 though… on ONE race


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29 thoughts on “$9,500 Grudge Race @ KOTSVII – Bizz vs Ice Cube

  1. Act like you been there before, you get your ass in the car and race then you have something to brag about. And that's doesn't even look like 9,500

  2. How do you race for that kinda money and sleep on the tree.. green means go in case you didn't know lmao.. I guess I'm a lil mess cuz ive always been quick with reaction time although I haven't gotten into the tens yet. Best time to date 11.91 @ 110. 1.9 60ft.. rt .051.. best reaction time to date was 0.010 in a 14 second car though lol. Looked like I jump but just good timing. .

  3. English too strong? You should seek out the 65 people that made me top comment and call them all "racists" or the people saying the "N" word on this page.

  4. That makes sense. They prolly weren't even using the lights, hence no times posted, just the win light. But, how do you see the green light before the race??

  5. Stop with all this race stuff money don't care what color you are it all spend the same if like this type is racing cool then if not then don't watch them it is live uncut racing that's how it is it want change love it or not

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