900hp Turbo Fox CONVERTIBLE?

900hp Turbo Fox CONVERTIBLE?

A badass convertible Fox Body puttin’ down some serious horsepower at the Texas Invitational – http://www.1320video.com/texas-invitational-dvd-pre-order-open/


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44 thoughts on “900hp Turbo Fox CONVERTIBLE?

  1. GTR как всегда – молодец!

  2. How can you say that…most have been wrecked and wrapped around telephone poles by pimply faced teenagers? I saw one today and was surprised as I had not seen one in at least 6 months. Now as for looks…that is another story.

  3. блядь!как стоячего обходят!

  4. я бы тоже так хотел, мечтаю об этом

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