1000HP+ STREET RACING – Cash Days VII DVD Trailer

1000HP+ STREET RACING – Cash Days VII DVD Trailer

NOW RELEASED – http://www.1320video.com/shop/ – The latest in the Cash Days street racing series is almost here! A very successful night of street racing with 1000-1600HP cars, the winner was awarded over $3,000.
Music – A.Symbiont – Anemone


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27 thoughts on “1000HP+ STREET RACING – Cash Days VII DVD Trailer

  1. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
    🏁🏁🏁you have to look all the way🏎️🏎️🏎️
    0:40 💛💜

  2. You can't explain it to these 12 year olds, they race on Gran Turismo.
    No experience out on the streets, they don't understand what a decent street car will do. It wouldn't take near what you have to drag a Venom or Viper down the block.

  3. Bring one of them over priced Bugatti's, Venom GT's, Agera R's or whatever else you guys keep throwing out there and line it up. Each and every single one of them will get drug in this style of racing. I gaurantee it.

  4. lol ur dumb. The buggati is a waste of a car. Its just slammed with power to make up for its flaws. Its a good concept car, but a finely tuned straight 6 will destroy the joke of a 16 cylindar.

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