Police bodycam footage of Devon Bailey’s death gives rise to more questions

Police bodycam footage of Devon Bailey’s death gives rise to more questions

The Bailey family’s lawyer says the 19-year-old black man, who was shot in the back while running from police and died at a hospital later on, was unarmed.




35 thoughts on “Police bodycam footage of Devon Bailey’s death gives rise to more questions

  1. WHY don't you SHOW the WHOLE VIDEO?!?! You call yourselves journalists? He DEFINITELY had a gun and since you OBVIOUSLY had the WHOLE VIDEO then you KNOW IT. You're just disgusting LIARS trying to fit a PREFERRED NARRATIVE.

  2. Pretty cowardly editorial decision to 'show the video' but pause the image so we only have the police narrative of what happened.

    What does the actual video look like?

  3. Damn this is the first time I’ve seen this murder.

  4. It’s sickening to see this . I just drove by the memorial.

  5. For all u saying he had a gun he deserved to get shot are correct but VERY stupid that man made a mistake he will never live to regret officers didn't kno he had a gun til after he was shot so should officers shoot everyone they think have a gun then if they do oh its alright he had a gun but then if he doesn't and still gets shot u start saying well he shouldn't of ran if he was innocent kinda of like ur damned if you do damned if u don't. Also he was shot in the back so that right there literally proves he was moving away from the officers

  6. Yeah no just let the two little kids that were robbing people continue to rob people. SJW‘s are retarded. They just act like the cops are supposed to get shot and let a kid run away and be like yup, that’s protecting and serving your community. Rule number one, don’t run from the police. Rule number two, especially don’t run from the police if you have an illegal gun in your fucking shorts. If you don’t value your life break either one of those rules

  7. police brutality does exist with many example but this ain't one.

    -having your neck kneeled on until you stop breathing YES
    -running away when the police think you might have a gun and told not to reach for waist NO

  8. This is why I boycott ABC news. They support the murder of police and don't care at all. Man reached down his pants for the gun that he had on his person and at no point had his hands "in the air" while running. They actually doctored it. Makes me sick. absolute scum.

  9. White Police man are just After black people why? Can anyone tell me why kill someone running away in such cold blood? I am so sick an tired of white people!!!!

  10. Peter Jennings and Frank Reynolds would be PISSED at this inaccurate report. ABC News wouldn't even consider Devon Bailey as a saint if we didn't lose them 2 Middle Young journalists. If The Late Reynolds could get furious on the air at his staff for giving him wrong information about the Attempted Reagan assaination, just imagine his reaction to this report!

  11. "A third officer approaches baily" "they try to receive an object" the attorney said he had a gun, the body cam shows he had a gun. The body cam showed there were only two officers are the arrest, pathetic

  12. All of you who justify this are disgusting. Cop encounters are NOT supposed to be deadly games of Simon Says where a lapse of judgement leads to being shot 4 times in the BACK. There are procedures to this and the law dictates innocent until proven guilty. Even if at the moment something seems suspicious that should never justify a needless death. There are always ways to de-escalate and arrest someone if needed but automatically shooting is not the way.

  13. He had a gun, but luckily it got stuck in his jeans, and was not able to pull it out to use on the officers. After the shooting the officers had to cut his jeans away in order to retrieve the weapon.

  14. ABC once again race baiting and filling an agenda, he had a weapon, Matt you’re an idiot everyone watch the true and real video on the donut operator

  15. Performing cpr after you shoot someone 7 times in the back. It’s like me kicking someone in the head and then checking if it hurts. Disgusting country.

  16. If he didn't have a gun why did he run in the first place? That cop wasn't being aggressive or shady in anyway so why choose to run? Instead of ALWAYS blaming the cop for doing their job and protecting innocent citizens maybe you should start asking these criminal's why they keep making stupid decisions like resisting arrest, running and lunging for the cops weapons.

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