Hong Kong unrest continues as civilians hold public rally – Car Mod Pros Portal

Student protesters and civilians held a demonstration Friday night and chanted “power to the people” in their push for democracy.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Hong Kong unrest continues as civilians hold public rally”
  1. The four idiots at the beginning been watching too many western movies–there is no democracy–watch the fuk up–absolute freedom means chaos. The city of HK will go down in ruins. I don't know why they keep allow them to have these public rallies; there should be curfews.

  2. Young people are the future of the country, let their hearts speak, they are not as indoctrinated as the adults yet, and neither attached to the past, because they are of purer mind living in the present. This is for freedom over the money and commerce, soul over the materiality. People would rather die free and pure rather than by selling the soul to the devil living in a comfort.

  3. They are sending a message that "we are afraid of fighting it in Beijing, so we are staying in Hong Kong, carrying out riots and letting businesses close since no visitors and travelers will come, and we don't care if Hong Kong economy will be bad and no one will have a job eventually." That is their message.

  4. Sined thim homme and OUT OF the TOWER'S are plagued by the the BLACK DATH this NO JOKE do not GO into the TOWER'S and GET off the steats the BLACK DATH is to the tower of ALL the rice KINGS is plagued with the BLACK DATH

  5. Sacrifice your life for democracy when democracy used you as a toy to make a mess of china and has no patty for you guys and doesnt even care about you guys. Most of your parants didnt even have vote rights under the british rule.

  6. With CHINA it is better life and better democratic system in the future so you guys can work together and strive for better in Hong Kong.

  7. The latest joke is this:
    Any post that supports the Hong Kong protesters and is
    in opposition to Beijing is often replied by a poster with a statement that goes :
    You are US bot from the US troll farm under disguise spreading lies all over the Internet.
    Yes that's right folks, any body no matter where you are in the world are a US bot.
    doesn't matter if you are from New Zealand or Canada or France or Kuwait- you are just
    ' A US bot from the US troll farm '
    Seriously, folks this is too funny and pathetic.
    Well, for freedom loving people all over the world welcome to the US troll farm.

  8. So biased information again!

    You guys are only seeing these young protesters, but there are 500,000 people ( workers, teachers, doctors, drivers, shop owners, parents and grandparents, etc) got together to SUPPORT China, SUPPORT HK police forces, they are calling the young protesters to STOP. Those people are mature, they are working hard for years, they are more experienced in life, they have to earn livings to support family. Actually, the rest of 4/5 millions people in Hongkong AGAINST young protesters.

    What about those youngsters? Have they helped their parents/family? NO, most of them live off their parents, they are so spoiled, they they are destroying the city and system. The mature workers have to fix the damage properties caused by those youngsters. The ordinary citizens have to clean the city. The health workers have to treat and looking after patients in hospitals.

    Because of the riots in many public places, such as train/bus stations, airport and busy streets, many workers can't get to work, cannot go to shops and cannot go home easily. The city became dysfunctional and collapsing. Those youngsters are building "so called freedom" on others' inconveniences and pain.

  9. Freedom fighters! History repeats itself 108 years later in Hong Kong, Kwangtung province when China abandoned 3000 years of empirical rules and supposedly became a " people's country"! Yet to see democracy!! Hurrah for the young Cantonese generations with their granny's DNA for freedom still running!

  10. The only way out for Hong Kong to petition the United States through the Consulate General of the United States for statehood to become the 51st state in the Union..  Admission to the Union Clause Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution…

  11. 连没有空调都受不了 谈何愿意奉献生命 黄口小儿

  12. 连没有空调都受不了 谈何愿意奉献生命 黄口小儿

  13. I support Hong Kong and if China moves with force I would boycott Chinese products here in America, but to do so I would have to starve myself and go but naked since everything is Made in China, this due to the filthy rich who sold our jobs and factories to China rather than pay the cost of labor in the USA and because of the filthy rich business China has grown and the USA has become weakened

  14. China infiltrated bad China PLA and hitmen people into the peaceful Hong Kong protestors to make Hong Kong people looked bad. China stop sending hitmen to Hong Kong for violence and riots. Pro-government and China investors China Chinese go back to China if you don't support Hong Kong people, don't do violence and riots in Hong Kong. This is not your country China! This is Hong Kong!

  15. According to your statement, the great President of Lincoln does not have to bother to fight the North-South united war. It should be divided into the North and the South according to the wishes of the people of the North American and the South American


  17. When the Chinese tanks roll in to crush the pro-democracy protestors, Trump will say “There’s good people on both sides.’

  18. love hong kong😍👍👍👍加油😎😎😎

  19. @The Joker  the scene where you say the gov gunning down people, because there was riot as Well, just like America would have done America had gunned down riot protestors long ago. is this the demorcracy they been talking about ? Is okay to violence protest in other countries because people destroy in the name of freedom and people just love freedom fighters but when it come to America no one cares about these freedom fighters any more? So what is it, is it manipulating? Media control? Oh! Actually make sense! China needs to progress forward fast, if China is stranded with separatism and different voices, it would be destroyed by colour revolution long ago, this situation in Hong Kong most westerners don't really get it, it's just another colour revolution led by the western intelligence agencies, there is no democratic actions during the riot process, these rioters don't really care about what the local innocent residents want, all they want is to destroy the order of Hongkong and yell out democracy when they don't really know the definition of democracy, so many local residents in Hong Kong are sick of those people right now and hardly every western media has show how they are feeling, do you need me to recap the whole truth about what these rioters have done to HongKong and HongKong citizens? Have you seen the people are getting so annoyed because they are blocking the HongKong airport and won't let people go home ?. The reason why China is powerful right now is because the Chinese government can settle 1.3 billions of people and make them working on the same goal, make China strong, because at the past Chinese had suffered enough from the invasion from Japan British and the united military from 8 countries, if you studied Chinese's history well enough, you will see the western countries would take any chances to invade China, because they are so afraid of China over power them. Have you studied what's happening in Yemen, Syria, Pakistan right now? Colour revolution had made sucessed At those places, while America saying oh they are being demorcratic people fighting for their own freedom, what's really happening is a war between residents and the military funded by the CIA and Hillary is so satisfied with these countries right now because they can't never catch up to their pace and they can feed off their fats forever! And Iran is so sick of America right now because America is trying to block Iran for selling its fuse. You see do America really care about what people in Iran want? Is this the demorcracy they are talking about all day long. Because at the end of the day , these freedom fighters would cause only destruction. And how the hell can you manager 1.3 billions of people to settle while they protest every day, do you know what it can cause? People fighting over each other's political stands and it's just so easy to land control on those people by the western countries as they are so good at manipulating people in the name of freedom and there should won't be enough police! the population is too large! Massive massive chaos. Well if this happens, are you gonna pity the Chinese innocent ordinary residents? In hell you would care because the news only reporting on the negative side in China, if you only seeing the negative things, that is biased news, all the western news are biased against China so it makes perfect sense to me why people hate China so much, because there is no freedom to show the positive side of China and hell do the reporters even bother cause they give a shit of China and Chinese. The reason they block Facebook in China is to protect the chinese from separatism and terriots because if you search out the things against China, there are hell anger base on nothing, people surely would be effect by it. Get over it and don't even bother to talk shit about China's political stand because demorcracy at the same level of western countries just don't apply to China due to the population and the complexity of nations there are 56 nations in China. And I forgot the mention that the China government people's republic is built by the support of people not by royals like British, so that is already a certain level of democracy and people trust the government to manage China to be strong and people are working on the same goal, that is why China is so powerful right now, because there is no separatism and terriots and people love China and willing to work hard for this country's sake, that's why Chinese are so expert on many things, remember this a country can be great not by freedom of speech not by voting but by the love and support of its own people and how much are they willing to contribute to their country. I am not saying western countries or demorcracy are bad, what I am saying is it is not necessary and it definitely has a side effect because people can be influence by anythings. At the end political discrimination is no better than racism.

  20. fake news,傻逼,你美国爹给你丫指了路,if you don’t like it, you get out! 滚得你妈逼越远越好

  21. Please ASK HK GOVT + MARTIN LEE / Jimmy Lai of Apple Newspaper + to use
    my WIN – WIN PLAN —–> SO that HK + CHINA will BOTH BE happy again.
    1 – GOvt + Police acknowledge they made a mistake by attacking students in 2013 + 2016 and were wrong not to let them go to the toilet 2 – Students who INJURE Police ++ WHO SHINE harmful lasers to blind police officers …..must apologize and be really sorrY before FREE RElease + pardon

    3 – New INDEPENDENT ELECTIONS – without China Inteference to begin in 2 weeks, so no time for rioting
    – in accordance with BASIC LAW

    4 – China will be HONOURED + RESPECTED by Carrie Lam staying in power TEMPORARILY
    overlooking elections until NEW Chief Executive + NEW Legco and new Executive Council elected – all without China interference.

    1 – Students MUST NOT USE LASERS – or else, police WILL USE LASERS TOO
    2 – Police Must apologize for using Black Societies.

    Thank you.

  22. I hope hong kong freedom 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  23. Solidarity with HK Police. Please draw your weapon against rioters. All these students want is to cause trouble and distraction. Grant their wish to “sacrifice” their life for terrorism. Please maintain civil order.

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