Watch Live Pandas: Bei Bei the panda celebrates 4th birthday at National Zoo in Washington – Car Mod Pros Portal

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13 thoughts on “Watch Live Pandas: Bei Bei the panda celebrates 4th birthday at National Zoo in Washington”
  1. He’s like this is so “cold!” Why a frozen cake?

  2. The House of Hesse are a military bloodline of the Holy Roman Empire closely allied with the House of Habsburg and British Crown and they manage the Rockefeller which have ancestry from the region of Hesse. The Hesse princes are extremely murderous Nazis. Langrave Donatus of Hesse is a global commander of Nazi gang stalking cults. The Hesse family own the Iron Horsemen motorcycle gang which were founded in Cincinnati. Cincinnati has a large German-American population. The first German Methodist church was established in Cincinnati. Hest in old Germanic-Danish means horse. The House of Hesse also own the Hessian motorcycle gang in California. Rudolf Hess was a relative of the House of Hesse and Deputy Fuhrer of the Nazi Party. Philipp the Landgrave of Hesse was a member of the Nazi Party. Christoph Ernst August of Hesse was a member of the Nazi SS. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty and employed through the House of Hesse and Elector William I of Hesse. Royalty and nobility ruled and owned governments. They lived in palaces with vaults filled with gold. They employed bankers and businessmen which were and are usually fake Israelites like the Rothschilds who they would loan out gold to so they could manage proxy banks for them. When people get fed up with oppressive governments and corruption the blame is mostly shifted onto bankers which are really serving the royal and noble families. Christian royalty and their Jewish bankers are both criminals. Royalty use their power in government to protect the bankers and the bankers use wealth to finance protection for monarchs or today politicians through pay offs. Today Benjamin de Rothschild works as a banker for the House of Habsburg and House of Hesse. Horst Paulmann is worth about 3 billion and is from Kassel, Hesse. Paulmann is the founder, CEO, and chairman of Cencosud a South American retail company. The House of Hesse originated from the House of Brabant which was allied with the House of Habsburg's hidden ancestors from the Carolingian-Ottonian Dynasty which ruled as Kings of Lothringen and Dukes of Lorraine which is why the House of Habsburg often took the name Otto and use the name Habsburg-Lorraine.

    The House of Hesse's more ancient ancestry is somewhat connected with the Aesti clan of Estonia with the Esterhazy, Este, and Essen families. The Aesti clan was located in the modern day regions of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Essen family were located in Estonia and worked with the Russian military and also established themselves as a Swedish nobility after Sweden conquered Estonia. Peter Kirillovich Essen and Ivan Essen were Russian military generals. Hans Henric von Essen was a high level military leader working for the Swedish Crown and his son Baron Fredrik von Essen was a high level Swedish politician. Baron Alexander von Essen is a current member of this family and owns a vineyard in South Africa. Gustaf Douglas is a Swedish billionaire and his wife is Elisabeth von Essen. Thomas Von Essen was FDNY Commissioner during 9/11, a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and currently the FEMA Regional Administrator for Region II in New York City. Heinrich Deichmann is a German billionaire with his shoe company headquartered in Essen. The Aesti clan were located in parts of ancient Lithuania. Leon Hess's family was from Lithuania and he founded the Hess Corporation which has about 34 billion in assets. The House of Hesse likely have some shares in Hess Corporation. John B. Hess is the current CEO of Hess. The House of Hesse are covert co-managers of Interpol the international police agency which was taken over by Nazis during WWII. Jurgen Stock is currently Secretary-General of Interpol and was educated at the University of Giessen established by the Hesses and Habsburgs. The House of Hesse are also claimants to the Kingdom of Finland because Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse was elected King of Finland during German occupation which at the time was similar to Germany's takeover of Estonia and Lithuania. The Mountbattens are closely related to the House of Hesse through Princess Victoria of Hesse as the maternal founder of the family. George Mountbatten the 4th Marquess of Milford Haven, Henry David Louis Mountbatten the Earl of Medina, and Lord Ivar Mountbatten are current members of this family. The Mountbattens are a British branch of the House of Hesse.

    Hessians were mercenaries from Hesse-Cassel and Hesse-Hanau which were states ruled by the House of Hesse. Tod Wolters is a US Army general and the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe. The name Wolters derives from the German name Waldhar which means ruler of an army. Hessian soldiers were hired by the British Crown to fight in the American Revolution. Hessian mercenaries also fought on both sides of the War of the Austrian Succession. I believe the House of Hesse are involved with Asgaard which is a German private military company. Essen is a German city in North Rhine-Westphalia. King Zwentibold of Lotharingia and of the Ottonian dynasty established the Essen Abbey with Princess-Abbesses to govern over the city of Essen. The Hesse family married in with the Abbesses of Essen with Landgravine Maria Eleonore of Hesse-Rotenburg the mother of Abbess Francisca Christina of Essen. Essen is Habsburg-Hesse territory. The Waldthausens were a wealthy banking and industrial family from Essen. The Krupp family originated from Essen, Germany and they are an industrial family involved with producing steel and armaments. Krupp was a major military armament supplier for the Nazis and used Nazi slave labor. Krupp merged to become ThyssenKrupp which has about 35 billion in assets and the House of Hesse covertly own shares in this company likely through the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. Thyssen was another wealthy German family whose companies like Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG worked with the Nazis. The Thyssen family married into the Zichy family of Hungary where the House of Habsburg have ruled. The current head of the Zichy family is Count Claudio Zichy-Thyssen the owner of Thyssen Schachtbau and he is a major landowner in Argentina where the Nazis fled to. Thyssen Schachtbau is an industrial construction company involved with mining and transportation. Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza was the father in law of Arch Duke Karl von Habsburg. George Hesse a Jewish relative and agent of the House of Hesse along with Hesse Newman & Co. private bank co-founded Commerzbank which today has over 500 billion in assets under management. Hesse Newman & Co. was purchased in 2009 by Grenke Bank. Weyerhaeuser is a large timber company located in the state of Washington that owns 12 million acres of timberlands in the United States with another 14 million acres in contracts in Canada. Weyerhaeuser was founded by Frederick Weyerhaeuser who was from Hesse, Germany. Today the company has 18 billion in assets.


    Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen or Helaba is a German bank in Hesse-Cassel created out of a merger of several older banks in Hesse like Landeskreditkasse zu Kassel. Darmstadt and National Bank was the second largest bank in Germany created out of a merger with the Hesse based Darmstadt Bank for Trade and Industry and the National Bank for Germany. Darmstadt and National Bank was forced to close down creating a banking crisis. It was purchasing its own shares at a higher rate than their worth and gave out more loans then what the bank was worth. This hurt the German economy and helped to give rise to the Nazis and blaming all Jews for what the German princes' corrupt Court Jew bankers did. Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld was a captain in the Nazi military. Prince Wilhelm received Nazi salutes during his wedding to Princess Marianne. I believe the House of Hesse covertly oversee the BfV German intelligence agency. Heinz Fromm was head of the BfV from 2000-2012 and was previously Secretary of State in the Hessian Ministry of the Interior. Heinz Fromm resigned because he destroyed files on the Neo-Nazi group called the National Socialist Underground. The Rockefeller family originated from the region of Hesse and are really agents of the various German royals and nobles including the Hesses, Sayn-Wittgensteins, Hohenzollerns, and Wied-Neuwieds. Princess Mafalda is a top authority over the Cult of Hestia which is a female cult of women who use motherhood to cover up their evil. Princess Mafalda of Hesse was married to the Italian Count Enrico Marone Cinzano and later married and also divorced Count Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti also of Italy. The House of Hesse have alliances with the Italian nobility and House of Savoy. The grandmother of Donatus and Mafalda was Princess Mafalda of Savoy of Italian royalty. The name Donatus is an Italian name. Landgrave Donatus of Hesse is the head of this family today and an extremely murderous Nazi. Other members include Donatus's wife Countess Floria of Hesse and she is from the Faber-Castell family as well as Prince Philip of Hesse, Princess Elena of Hesse, Princess Mafalda of Hesse, Prince Rainer Christoph Friedrich of Hesse, Princess Irina of Hesse, and Prince Christoph of Hesse.

  3. 🐼‼️I WANT ONE 😫‼️🐼

  4. Have always loved Bei Bei ….such a sweetheart 💖
    She REALLY enjoyed her Birthday cake. Happy B-Day Bei Bei 🎂

  5. Can u mute the annoying ladies just babbling about it we dont need that stupid commentary by random guests sorry annoying as fuck ruined it all for me

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