Suspects rob jewelry store in broad daylight

Suspects rob jewelry store in broad daylight

Three men allegedly walked into a Manhattan jewelry store pretending to be customers and then pulled handguns on four employees.


25 thoughts on “Suspects rob jewelry store in broad daylight

  1. Dispatch:
    Be on the lookout for a black guy wearing a cowboy hat.

    Responding officer:
    I see a black guy wearing a hat, but no cowboy hat…Well, that's definitely not our guy. We're gonna keep searching.

    Dispatcher: Copy that.

  2. That guys teeth be like

  3. Sometimes you want something so bad in life but can’t get it so you just have to take it .

  4. How come you didn't say "black men" robbed a Jewish a jewelry store? If a white guy does anything bad to black peeps, it's all about what happened to the black man. 🙁

  5. Wait doesn’t New York have very harsh gun laws???

  6. 😋

  7. “Cowboy Hat” really lady

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